Could save vidya

>could save vidya
>does nothing

is this based or cringe?

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>implying vidiya could be saved with that amount.

hes unironically a depressed lazy retard

Vidya doesn't deserve to be saved, gamers get what they fucking deserve for buying FIFA over and over for 2 decades

vidya can't be saved

If I was as rich as him I'd retire as well. Leave him be.

he unironically has sex with me all the time and it feels really good no cap

how? by using the money on bullets to kill all the trannies and shit?

>could save vidya
>Only 2.5 billion dollars
Nah. Microsoft drops that pocket change like twice a year on frivolous shit.

are you that seething tranny upset he wouldn't give you a bag of cash?

kill yourselves

No, by financing trans fxlk and their indie projects?

based and also you're cringe OP

There's nothing worth saving at this point. Video games will continue to become dominated by people who hate gamers and endorse rabid SJWs flooding the market with a bunch of cheap political shit, and then those people will lose interest and eventually ween themselves off of it before finding something else to take over and destroy.

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He had a gold digger wife who stayed with him for the bare minimum time needed to claim half his shit in a divorce. That must have pissed him off.

Star Citizen fags literally gave the guy enough money to build a studio and make tech from the ground up, and that only cost 500 mil. That guy who wrote Metal Gear used similar amounts from Sony to build Kojima Productions. With 2.5b you could send 100 ppl to college, build a studio and finance 3-4 games and only spend like one billion.

Cringe for selling Minecraft.
The game is soulless now

Daily "sad notch billionaire" thread.
No, Notch will not fund your trannie indie game.

He doesn't owe you shit

you see.... the sad and lonely part are lies by jelly journalists/media.

is he obligated to save vidya? no, of course not. frankly if i were in his position i too would just sit around in my mansion and play vidya all day.