Everything is inflating in price

>Everything is inflating in price
>So many DRM/streaming solutions
>Getting a game physically isn't the complete version unless you download a 100gb patch
Please someone whitepill me and say I'm just crazy. It feels like everything has gone to shit and there's nothing I can do about it.

Attached: You will be happy.gif (225x255, 2.41M)

just download the game and play it retard

Just pirate the game with updates and dlc retard

Just don't play as female retard

Come to daddy

why would you ever play anything other than doom wads. what possible reason could you have

Don't worry. It will get worse.

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What is to stop people from just keeping the card? do they have kill switches inside them if you don't pay your membership?

i genuinely don't understand what is his supposed to be

Take the indie and emulation redpill. 95% of AAA games are not worth it.

>keeping the card
You're hiring cards in the Nvidia base.

CLOUD gaming

You don't have a card, you are playing remotely through the cloud. Funny enough the latency is actually lower than consoles lmao

its streaming retard

Literally pirate the game or straight up don’t play it, their still ways to get the physical copies of a game you’re looking for. Stop looking at the shitiest of all of the companies in the vidya industry and expand into indie more. Stressing over the next $69.99 shitty snoy game will make you feel like shit

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pirated games on hdd
there's your physical copy, bro

if AAA goes too crazy we'll all just go back to boomer and indie games
how long did it take cult classics like godhand and earthbound to get mainstream attention?
the only thing is VR is kinda hard tech to get into and will likely be very consolidated in big tech, and I think as time moves on big tech may realize assassinating a competing online game with hackers is a good business strategy

You are not crazy. NES came out almost 40 years ago. I still have my NES hooked up to a CRT. I still can play all the games I bought in the 80s. I was able to replace the connector thing that always goes bad, it cost like $20. The contacts on the carts got corroded, so I cleaned them up.

PS4 was released in 2013, do you think by 2052 that people will still be playing on their PS5s with all the games they are playing now?

They do not want you to keep things anymore. They want to keep selling you the same thing over and over again, perpetual groundhog day. It's because they know the new stuff won't make you want to buy it because it's not a significant upgrade. The whole idea is to keep you paying for the same shit over and over again so they never have to make anything better. The worst part is normalfags love it, they think they get new stuff with a subscription, but it's just an endless recycling of the same stupid shit with a few things changed.

You rent a computer with a big dick gpu in it and stream your inputs to it via the internet to play your games, then it streams the video back to your device.

What can we do about this stuff though?

Only buy indie games from gog. I only play indie games,Duke 3D mods and my original Xbox. Remove yourself from the system. All the good games have already been made.

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Nothing. You will rent everything and you will be happy.

yep this is end game for Njudea they are going away from the consumer market and going all in on enterprise AI and cloud
everything in the future will be subscription based and you'll be shackled to bills upon bills that you'll barely be able to pay off a new way of debt

Stop giving trannies money, stop giving leftists votes and money. Simple as.

You up for forming death squads and toppling the glowniggers, corpos and the rest of the secret cabal oligarch rich fag kikes? No? Well then...

Make male the canon option in every video game.

Oh well no one wants that.


Said the frog