Did they already give up? Is 1.5 patch the end?

Did they already give up? Is 1.5 patch the end?

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gave up on what?

The game

yeah, game doesn't even function properly, its poorly optimized trash, 1.5 didn't do shit and i have a 2080ti.

trash game wish i could refund

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>yeah, game doesn't even function properly, its poorly optimized trash, 1.5 didn't do shit and i have a 2080ti.
Worked fine at launch on my 1050Ti.

I trust your opinion

no it didn't.

I spent 200 hours on it.
Maybe you just suck?

how can i suck if the games performance is under 30fps at 1440p on a fucking 2080ti. sounds to me like you just enjoy making up stories on the internet.

it’s hilarious that they’re trying to drum up hype for another Witcher game after this shitshow

What settings?



Great, and it crashed 4 times and had innumerable bugs on my 1080. That means nothing.

It’s still not optimized

nah senpai, shit shouldn't have difficulty running ultra on sub 60 easy. but sub 30 on a 2080ti? with dlss enabled?

>not optimized
Because they released a game that will look good in 5 years?
Stupid zoomer. Why do you think there are settings? If you don't have the hardware to run it at ultra, don't.
Works on my machine.

There is no saving this game, cause even if it was patched perfectly and all the issues would be solved it would remain a poor gameplay experience.
An old buggy game like "vampire the masquerade bloodlines" is a way more enjoyable experience than this trash.
The main quest suck, is basically "look we got Keanu Reeves! Be amazed! Keanu! Oh... you don't give a fuck?"
Side quests suck even more. The leveling up system is total crap, all the perks are just little stats boosts that doesn't affect your playing style at all or give any personalization to your character...
The romance options are so awkward when shit happen feel like cringe. There is no building up, you do a couple of mission with X, and then X ask to fuck you out of nowhere.
Is a gameplay and storytelling trainwreck.

it doesn't work on your machine, stop lying. sub 30 on a 2080ti is a fucking travesty. they have pretty much given up on this game seeing as their big optimization next gen patch didn't fix shit.

That game was a massive fucking scam and they got away with it, incredible.

I play it twice, even got into modding to tinker with it a bit and gave up on it, that game has no future, unironically.

If you're to stupid to adjust the settings to something sensible that isn't the game's fault. PC games in the past always had the option to set retardedly high settings that no contemporary machine could run adequately because they pushed the limits of what is possible and they were proud of it. Only once all we started getting were shitty console ports did this change. You're saying you don't want PC games that can scale up as better hardware becomes available. Do you realize how retarded that is?

Here you go Any Forums

I know you gen z kids don't know how to look things up. You are welcome.

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BTW, this is also why games like Witcher 3 got downgarded. Because stupid fucks like you would then complain that your shit 780 at the time couldn't run it properly. Dumbfuck.

So fucking vague. They better make it amazing

100 hours in and still having fun. Stay mad.

i realize that you think cyberpunk was supposed to be fucking crysis, but lets be real here, this game doesn't come with a state of the art engine that absolutely justifies the hardest fucking hardware at the time. my 2080ti is about 34% weaker than a fucking 3080ti. 34% weaker meaning that a 3080ti is unable to hit over 60 fps on a fucking 1440p at max settings with dlss on and rtx. thats a fucking travesty and this game aint crysis, it SHOULD be able to function sub 60 on a fucking 2080ti, hitting 40fps or even 30 is fine if i'm in heavy situations but seeing 15 fps spike downs on a fight is a fucking joke. i can get 60fps fine if i go to areas with nothing going on but that aint the fucking game now is it?

How are you having fun? there's nothing to do besides shooting the same braindead enemies.

good, why the fuck should a game that releases 1 year have to be functioning at best performance 10 years later? the crysis formula is a formula for failure, thats why crytek is stuck doing stupid shit like building hunt showdown.

We already kind of know parts of it thanks to data mining.

Cyberpunk is not even so demanding.
I have an AMD rx570 and i had to turn down a notch only a few settings to have it unning properly. Still looked great i almost could not tell the difference from ultra settings.

>devs should never optimize their games!
>BTW I suck cocks!

dropping it down to high, i can actually get 60fps, with spikes going down to 30, but why tf is this game still having massive performance loss at that level?

There's a reason it's vague
>we told them we had a plan when we had no plan! and now the plan has changed!
so what are you guys actually giving us?
>uhhh...m-major update
whatever they put out will now be what they promised because they've promised fuck all