DS3 is better than Elden Ring


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only because ds3 has the ringed knight paired greatseords and theres no equivalent in elden ring

no bro see if you go farm two curved greatswords from the 1% drop mob that spawns in the snow mountains and then pair it with the ash of war you get in farum azula and then buff it with the ash of war you get in liurnia THEN you can do ringed knight greatswords come on bro its FUN

Why would anyone disagree? Unless ER was your first souls game (which for many of the Georgie's shit eating fans it is) there is no way you would look at what came before and think the bloated copy paste mess that is Elden Ring was better than that. I can even understand someone wanting to argue that Dark Souls 2 is the best, I mean, they are wrong, but I can see the perspective, Elden Ring though? It has the same filler as all the other open world games but over used and with no real attempts at balance. I'm giving the hot take that The Surge is better at what it does than Elden Ring.

No, absolutely not. DS3 might have less bullshit feeling stuff, but the map is a slog to get through, and bosses suck

I have been a fan of soulsborne games ever since the first good one and ER is significantly better.

>but the map is a slog to get through, and bosses suck
so Elden Ring?

Dark Souls 3 is the best Souls

you can say that if you'd like but DS3 is still worse

It had better music too. There’s no tracks like secret betrayal in elden ring.

Can you get into better details? Because I started to DS3 and Bloodborne last week because Elden Ring felt so awful to me(first souls game I played) and those two feel much more satisfying and enjoyably than ER.

>but the map is a slog to get through,
Why are you lying?
I literally speedrun the game for fun every once in a while. The map has an easy and natural progression and you never really run into the level wall that Elden Ring has. Stumble into Caelid? Come back when you're a higher level because everything takes 5 minutes for you to kill without certain stat minimums.

the music in elden ring is barebones and if i have to hear tree sentinel one more time im gonna lose it

I unironically love the map and galloping around using torrent.

Yes, when Keto Souls showed up, it just wasn't the same anymore.
In Elden Ring, you go hollow in your soul.
In Dark Souls, you go hollow in body.
So we just think the body hollowing was preferred over the soul.
God bless.


Roux is how you make a good thick gumbo soup.
>Cookin' it dude. This gonna be money dude.
Like how Jim Carrey was before he became Keto Jim Carrey.

Attached: Jim_Carrey_Ace_Ventura_Do_not_go_in_there.gif (448x264, 3.85M)

it's the same shit but one has a proper jump

If I wanted to play DS3 but good I'd play bloodborne. At least ER has some novelty in being it's own thing. I cannot judge games in a vacuum.

based redneck cookin yeeeeeap

Why is it so uninspired musically? They usually pull through with at least a couple good tracks… every game so far has an amazing ost except elden ring imo

why would I lie about my own opinion, are you retarded

I dislike it, you do, that's all there is to it

it feels like they didnt have a concrete overarching theme they were going for and told the chick just make it as safe and generic as you possibly can.