Why is necromancy considered an evil form of magic in most games? In real life...

Why is necromancy considered an evil form of magic in most games? In real life, necromancers would basically be the backbone of most labor markets given that the undead probably won't complain... or take breaks... or have free will... Unless exploiting the undead in the labor market is evil, I think game should stop portraying necromancy and necromancers as evil.

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oh man wouldnt it be so very bad to have necromancy irl
man i would hate that just imagine how cold their bodies would be

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even in death...

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the smell


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just use robots...

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taoist hands wrote this post

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There's plenty of unemployed real people that need work, making undead servitors so you dont have to hire actual soldiers makes you a scab and a blight upon the community, taking work away from legitimate bandits and adventurers. People gotta eat.

Cute, fuckable corpse! Nothing beats rigor mortis pussy!

It depends, are they just dead empty corpses or are they more like Yoshika or the Forsaken from WoW?

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>Be at work
>Suddenly have a heart attack
>Your boss calls the local necromancer to resurrect you, turning you into more of a lifeless corpse
>Your raise gets denied because you won't complain anyways

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Bye thread

Seiga makes heat seeking energy missiles from her own aborted feti. She's evil.

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My nigger. Zombie girls is my fetish.

>imagine the smell.


Is this the thread?

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>You want a raise? Listen here, wagie. The only "raise" you'll be getting is raised from the dead.


I wish he posted more, I really like his style. Some anons complain it is too western.

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Dumb NEET this is the thread.

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This is why capitalists get the rope

>OP takes necromancy and instead of questioning it's ethics, he immediately industrializes it
This is why we think you necromancer guys evil.

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I wish Shinki had more porn. She's as close to my ideal female as possible.

I present to you, THE NIGGA CHAIR
This thread now has -1 wheelchairs causing an underflow into gigablessed

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HATE patchouli and her stupid fucking lasers

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>resurrections is ok
>necromancy aint
fucked up innit

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*returns the wheelchair count to 0*

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i don't need to user

*blocks your access ramp*

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You sound very jewish.

Koakuma if she canon

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Wouldn't an inverse wheelchair be crutches?

Wait a second....

This thread isn't about necromancy at all!