Summon Signs

Why is Any Forums disgusted by them?

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>interacting with another human being
>zoomer riddled site
idk OP u tell me

Any Forums users typically have very little going on in life, and measure themselves by the challenges they face in virtual activities. Any Forums thinks the accomplishments related to a videogame outweigh the desire to have fun in them, and thus this leads to a disconnect where someone is having more fun despite less challenge. This disconnect causes the Any Forums user to fly into a rage when someone who entirely sidesteps the challenge is actually enjoying the game more.

It's for bad players.
Nothing wrong about that, but don't pretend you're good.


This. Case in point? this guy is pissed.

I'm not, and I hate the stigma Any Forums puts around summon signs because I LOVE being a summon in souls games, and don't want people to feel pressured into not summoning me

in every game I spent probably about 50 hours just doing co-op against bosses, it gets me money to level up, gives me risk-free practice against the toughest enemies in the game, and it makes me feel good to know I helped someone beat something they were struggling with

>It's for bad players.
this, and I fully admit to it. I have 2k hours in DS3 and haven't beaten half of the bosses solo. I have never even seen the midir boss arena, because before I reach it, I usually start to do invasions for a while and then I create a new character.
for some reason, I enjoy the pvp more than the bosses. the bosses are cool and all, but the only souls game were I did everything solo was DS1. boss design went to shit after that.

>fight these guys
>annihilate every summon with their poison
>check for summons
>every time I click on a sign, it disappears because someone else was faster
>try for probably 15 minutes and unable to summon
>fuck it, I'll do it myself then
>beat them after 5 tries
>put down my own summon sign
>get instantly summoned every time
>about 10 disconnects before or during fights
>about 10 times the host dies while I'm fighting the other guy for him
>successfully beat it only 2 times with another host
this boss is the real filter, and trying to help people with him really showed me what a pain getting summoned is

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>the only souls game were I did everything solo was DS1
This but only because I hoarded my humanities like a fiend and was almost never human by the time I reached the boss.

Fair enough user, play the game how you want. I do agree with PvP being more exhilarating at points compared to the boss fights. There have been a few bosses I haven't done solo too, who gives a fuck?

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simples as this, some bosses straight up lose their gimmick because now you have a decoy.

>summon phantoms for every boss
>use finger severer to send them home when boss is low on health

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played the whole thing offline, prepatch


I couldn’t touch the site of grace after mimic fight bc some scummy motherfucker laid a message PRECISELY over it so it only prompts read message. We’ll played, nigger.

for me the hardest have been Radagon/Elden Beast, Malenia, and Godfrey

Radagon's AOE and delayed attacks (delayed AOE explosions mainly) tended to fuck people up when I was doing co-op, and some summons are so fucking useless that they die before Elden Beast comes out, and that thing has a TON of HP when it's balanced around 3 people
Malenia is self-explanatory, the slice and dice combo just fucks people up, though I did one session where I saw someone dodge the whole thig with bloodhound step on an offhand weapon, which was so clever that I copied it (but hosts are still sometimes dumb and die needlessly to other attacks)
Godfrey's AOE's are just nuts, you can't even block them without still taking chip damage

the easiest BY FAR is Mohg, firstly you have the shackle which can be used twice in phase 1, secondly he is ironically quite weak to bleed, thirdly he has HP thresholds for doing a move that buffs his weapon, but if your DPS is high enough he gets stuck buffing his weapon over and over again and not attacking you (the animation has a bitbox, but it's completely safe behind him, so you can stand at his back and hit him risk -free, with the only limitation being your own stamina), this even takes priority over his NIHIL move
420k runes, summon gets 30% of that, and you can put on the gold scarab talisman to have an extra 30% increase on that, roughly 120k runes per fight, and I can do it in 20-30 seconds if the hosts realize what I am doing and join in just fucking wailing on him

I only reached him post nerf, and the entire fight I was asking myself how this clown on his comically tiny horse was filtering people

wait did they actually nerf bosses in the patch? i thought that was just a rumor and dont remember seeing any notes on it.

I beat him prepatch and am a way off on my alts. What did they change?


I think you meant Radahn, user.

press left or right, genius

that's Radahn, Radagon is phase 1 of the final boss of the game

I beat Radahn pre-nerf, but I'll be honest: I used the NPC summons for the fight, but on my next playthrough I'll do it purely solo