*input reading 10 part melee combo animation cancellation 75 meter 10 stage AOE one frame one hit kill with 6 different...

*input reading 10 part melee combo animation cancellation 75 meter 10 stage AOE one frame one hit kill with 6 different frame catchs in ur path*

Attached: R (3).jpg (1920x1085, 887.77K)

The amount of couldn't git gud this game brings out is hilarious. ER shits on all action games now

Why does every button press have half a second of input delay before your character starts moving?
It was never this bad in souls.

>clunky outdated combat mechanics
>shitting on all action games
You don't play action games.

the only thing i'm really mad about is mobs just turning 180 degrees mid swing (or even mid air) to hit you, it gets ridiculous sometimes and makes positionning pointless

dsp moment

What are you on about. Nioh doesn't have this issue, neither does Sekiro.
Go suck a duck, fag.

>Summons Magic archer on the roof of building from one county over to constantly suppress you with infinite arrows
>Inflicts 3 types of status ailments and totally cripples you
>Unloads galaxy exploding weapon art for a gorillion damage
>Teleports behind u

heh nothing personnel, "boss"

>artifical difficulty
>git gud
I bet your pretty good at slamming cocks down your throat nigger

Just because you are not good enough at the game does not mean its artificial.

Gatekeeping faggot.

This is undeniable. After 130 hours ER I go back to bloodbourne and holy fuck ER is cancer for input delay. The menus etc are snappy as fuck in ER though. I can not help but wonder if the combat delay and input buffering is fucking intended.

>See dozens complaining about 1 shots
>Dozens complaining about overtuned enemies in the last third of the game
Never been oneshot once, on a melee build where the highest my vigor went was 35 and i wasnt getting oneshot at all endgame, usually took a good 4 hits before dying unless it was one of those extremely telegraphed attacks that basically used a police siren and a bat signal to tell you it would one shot you on hit, like radhan meteor or some of elden beast attacks
Are these faggots dual wielding soreseals + scarab heads or something? how does everything one shot you if youre supposedly leveling vigor? i swear you faggots are allergic to git gud and actually get mad when told to do so, specially on twitter
In 2 playthroughs i havent gotten a truly out of nowhere oneshot situation, the only exception being those blood dogs in mohgwyn palace and in overworld that are obviously bugged and hit you like 3 times per frame on a certain attack despite being vastly overleveled to them it WILL bleed you multiple times and instakill even through shields

Attached: pb.jpg (400x400, 32.6K)

nah, sekiro does. animation wise. try spamming deflect or seeing the gap between pressing attack and animation start.
nioh has near instant response and if you spam guard every button press will register separately.

if by input buffering you mean roll, then yes, it's just another artificial difficulty element.
most boss combos are finetuned to hit you after a buffered roll after you got hit.

Why so many people complaining input reading? dark souls series bosses don't read input?

Found it especially egregious for L1 attacks with dual rapiers and whips, but not for r1 attacks. Why would it be so unevenly distributed if intended? I really don't want it to be intended so grasping at straws

People can complete the game without getting hit once
So it's only your fault for being trash


Because it's so blatantly obvious in this game rather than being disguised as a natural reaction from the enemy
It takes away from the experience of the game when you realize the enemies are reacting to the player's button presses immediately rather than your character's real movement in the game world

I feel like they added the input delay after releasing the button very late in development which is why enemies react to you using estus for example before you character has even physically moved.

This, combo of good armor and decent vig, not wearing retarded rings, and actually fucking timing rolls instead of DS3 panic tarding makes ER ezpz