Sekiro is the only From game I finished, and I won't touch any other of their games until the new Armored Core

Sekiro is the only From game I finished, and I won't touch any other of their games until the new Armored Core

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smell you later

based and clangpilled
sekiro made me feel the way I did when i frst played mario 64 and ocarina of time as a kid: a truly wonderful vidya experience

there is litterally not a single good armored core game

Elden Ring is such a disappointment after Sekiro, bros. I don't think anything they make can ever top it.

>best gimmick boss
>best "monster" boss
>best duel boss
>functional combat system
>an actual story
it won't get better than this

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I couldn't beat Sword Saint Isshin. I must have died on that fight more than a hundred times. I thought I was good at the game after making it through all the rest, but Isshin just fucking railed me over and over.

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keep being aggressive and prioritize parrying over getting in one more hit
you're probably attacking too much

Quintessentially based.

I bet you fear the spear like i was just do what this guy said you cant get better tips

It was a lot better than Sneeden Feed

If Pekora can beat Isshin, you can do it user.

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King's Field is only FromSoftware game I have finished. I don't like souls games as they have so many rules for beating them properly. King's Field felt more like an adventure as well.

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Honestly you're not missing much


Man WHEN you finish Isshin it will feel like sex, remember user Hesitation Is Defeat

What? King's Field has more adventure feel to it. A bit basic tho. I guess the fact there isn't million lore videos etc. helps a bit to keep it fun.
Hard af as well.
But just because you think soulsgames have more adventure doesn't mean you should call someone a retard.
Very rude.

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>King's Field has more adventure feel to it
no its not but i really like the feeling of beign alone and nothing makes any sense
its a mysterious adventure but game aged like fucking shit


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>it will feel like sex
isshin is not overrated user

I, a person who refunded Dark Souls after killing the Taurus Demon, did not find Sekiro particularly difficult, even Isshin wasn't that hard because you follow the pattern and watch for the animation queues
my friends who played Shit Souls had a really difficult time even getting to Genichiro
seriously based how Sekiro was designed to completely fuck over the roll spam/keep distance playstyle
it's really not that hard of a game, you just need to not play it like it's other From games

>he skipped kingdom hearts
Baka senpai desu

>seriously based how Sekiro was designed to completely fuck over the roll spam/keep distance playstyle
thats why i love it you have to fight like a men face to face be ready for every attack its all thanks to glorious posture system and thanks to posture you dont have to roll back for breath

To me it is much more fun. I tried to play DS2 but it was horrid. Having no shield or magic is fucking boring. Can't even play a tank with minimum Vitality and Vigor. It just sucks in general that you can easily play wrong in Souls games or cheat accidentally.

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even the Demon of Hatred was great because if you try and play like a fag, you get fucked, but if you hold your ground and play aggressive and use the right tools, he's very doable

>I tried to play DS2
im so sorry user
if you want good souls experience play bloodborne
also DS1 is one of the best adventures you can play

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Sekiro was the first From game I played and I loved the combat. Great experience overall.
Currently playing through Dark Souls (all that's left is to go to the painted world and fight Gwyn) and am finding it a more basic/easy experience in terms of combat.
My favorite parts are more in relation to the worldbuilding and the RPG elements. The combat feels mediocre after coming from Sekiro.

to me it's like Monster Hunter where it just takes fucking forever to swing your weapon

DS2 is the best game in souls series, no? And while Bloodborne is next, I don't have PS4 and don't feel like dropping multiple hundreds of dollars for one game. And I thought DS1 was unfinished mess. I kept hearing that from the souls fans, and even that game has the same problems with no shields, magic, summoning etc.
I was considering ER, but it seems that also has multiple broken things and I don't bother to go through that. I just don't enjoy souls games.

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maybe it takes forever to swing, heal or do fucking anything in monster hunter but boss design is fucking perfection