How would you fix World of Warcraft?

How would you fix World of Warcraft?

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The same way I'd fix a dog with cancer. Take it out back and put it out of its misery

sylvanas rape scene

fill blizzard offices with mustard gas

ignore wrath, MoP, WoD, Legion, and Shadowlands and it's actually a pretty good game

Re-design TBC.
Re-design Wrath.
Re-design Cata.
Disregard MoP; carry on the old god/naga storyline with a South Sea expansion.
Follow up with Emerald Dream expansion and end with Argus.

Oh and have the sad sweaty nerds who endured Warcraft as the main demographic and not zoomer faggots and Chinks.

Easy. Don’t try to fix what already works.

>Segregate PvP and PvE again and bring back PvP gear so PvP chads can obliterate PvE cucks
>Add flying to TBC areas that don't have it
>Scale old weapons up to endgame so you could grind your favourite old dungeons for a weapon that is actually usable in the new expac
>Make MBAH a place worthy of PvP again
>Gut paladins once and for all
>Cut with the faggot "redemption arc" nonsense for all bad guys
>Go back to old Wrath style talent system
or the easy way?
>Fire every faggot, troon and woman from Blizzard

have Arthas come back as a trans woman and fill the main story role in the next expac

>Segregate PvP and PvE again and bring back PvP gear so PvP chads can obliterate PvE cucks
pvp was always just a mini-game and resilience was a mistake. pvp was always best when it was dominated by people wearing endgame PVE gear

turn it off

more pandas

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The fix is extremely easy.
>Announce nothing
>Just pull plug on game
>Refuse to elaborate further
>Fire literally every tranny and woman
>Hire only passionate talent based on merit, not retarded shit like having a cunt or having chopped your cock off
>Retcon literally EVERYTHING wow has ever done
>Go back to warcraft 3 roots
>Make warcraft 4
>If success, commence work on a new world of warcraft
You cannot just make a wow 2, that must be re-earned.

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Make it an offline single player game and populate dungeons and raids with role-specific NPC party members whose level of competence you can adjust.

Make Garrosh war chief again by any means necessary.

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>How would you fix World of Warcraft?
I honestly would let it die at this point and let the developers just do overwatch shit.

Let WarCraft rest. Blizzard doesn't have the people anymore to make a good WarCraft game, not matter whether it's RTS or MMO.

this is objective

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is it even possible to fix anymore? at this point the stakes are so high that just going back to doing regular mercenary adventurer stuff doesn't even feel reasonable. If we got a massive reset and just went back to fighting disgruntled stormwind citizens, or murlocs, or crocodiles, or there being infighting between dwarves trying to usurp ironforge, would it even compare to killing arthas, or illidan blasting off into space to stop sargeras or some shit?

It's better than trannyXIV. there's nothing wrong with it.

Relaunch, but with no illusions of following original timeline, content release schedule, or expansion mechanics, and instead using expansion content that we know to be of high quality (better than anything neo-Blizzard could make) as a basis for a novel experience, class design taking notes from all aspects of all versions that have been well-liked, but most probably resembling Wrath-style gameplay the most. Additionally, I would probably do Diablo-style seasons where each expansions sees a ladder reset, with an option to play non-seasonal (I believe FRESH, especially if you do try to integrate leveling more closely with each seasonal endgame, is better for the overall game health).

Entirely new content can be used when new content made by neo-Blizzard/private server devs - a pretty low bar - is unlike to be worse than absence of some content (e.g. to fill in the blanks left by obviously cut content), but the idea would be to use what is known to work, give Med'an treatment to inconvenient plot details (for example, I think Arthas ought to get a treatment other than the Matthias Lehhner stuff from the novels and "there must always be a Lich King": the fight needs to be fully redesigned anyhow to meet the demands of sophisticated raiders of today, so might as well give Arthas a shodown with everyone who had a bone to pick with him like players used to anticipate), and work towards Legion being the actual finale rather than a cliffhanger to BFA. For example, if I was in charge, I would probably incorporate Hyjal/Twilight Highlands/Uldum in patches without doing the whole Cataclysm thing, and would leave Outland towards the end as a buildup to final showdown with the Burning Legion.

complete reboot, no exceptions. the plot has gone off the rails and pretty much every big bad ever set up has been dealt with.

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Gas all the niggers, kikes, faggots, trannies and minorities from gaming first. Make this a white man's hobby so it can never be hijacked by their faggotry ever again.

you can't, it would have to be completely redone. WoW was created by people too casual to handle the MMORPG's of the time (ultima online, everquest, asheron's call) so making it more like those games would be a step in the right direction instead of catering to shitbad casuals who suck at games.

No one cares

stop adding new systems every single expansion or even every patch. focus on designing good dungeons/raids and adding new arenas and battlegrounds. make the gameplay actually fun (see MoP). add more casual content like the MoP farm. hire some writers that actually care about warcraft and not just their waifu inserts

Reminder that WoW was only good in Vanilla
TBC was bad but recoverable
Wrath was the nail in the coffin
Cata was when they buried it