New Harry Potter game will be certified redpilled

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Though the channel has always been publicly available, a series of tweets by Did You Know Gaming contributor Liam Robertson has brought new attention on Leavitt's channel. Robertson described the videos as "anti-feminist" and "pro-GamerGate," and stated that he's "not trying to 'cancel' [Leavitt]." Robertson cited the John Lasseter video as particularly revealing: In it, Leavitt describes the MeToo movement as a "moral panic" and says that he'll likely be branded a "rape apologist" due to his views on Lasseter.

wrong, he was already fired and replaced by a woman

Only femanons care about Harry Potter

>I know this is just shocking but the lead designer of Hogwarts Legacy is Troy Leavitt, a far right YouTuber who used to make anti-fem and pro GG
— Liam Robertson (@Doctor_Cupcakes) February 20, 2021

Im more upset that he was a clickbaiter than the political faction he decided would be more profitable.

>Sweetie? I'm not trying to cancel him I'm just trying to bring attention to his behaviour for ... no reason at all
Why are they so tretcherous and machiavellian? This must be some sort of mental illness.

>Despite being one of the biggest media properties in the world, the Harry Potter name has been mired in controversy in recent years, thanks largely to the unrepentant transphobia of the books' original authors, J.K. Rowling. In light of Rowling's controversial statements, WB Games took the unusual step of posting a FAQ that clarifies that Rowling is not involved in the creation of the game. However, when Kotaku asked a WB representative if Rowling is expected to receive royalties for the project, they declined to comment.

Its the "in minecraft" of leftoids. They put that there so they can jerk off and feel good after it inevitably happens.

too bad it's still harry potter and gay cringe

gg, Disney will pressure Avalanche to fire him.

He literally got fired for these takes

And is he still working on the game? Judging by the last trailer I'm guessing he's either been fired or heavily demoted at least.

I know. They should’ve just made a thread on Kiwi Farms doxing him and calling him cringe.

This looks like the nick a pedophile would use.

he got fired

Kiwi Farms is full of trannies isn't it? The owner, Null, is a gay peadophile. That's why their culture is so similar to twittermob.

Oh n-

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And now I'm interested...
...and now I'm not.

>fags trying to make it acceptable to be excited for pozzed game
>l-look! one person said anti-SJW things! O-our game, right bros?

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yes and the game has pronouns and extreme diversity in the UK.. in 1880.
can you explain that?