
Is it based?

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>can skip ahead of the queue just by paying more
Yes, it's based.

Attached: 1611013745029.jpg (1026x2289, 250.42K)

What's retarded is companies that still insist on increasing scarcity even though they're not the ones profiting off of it. They would make much more money flooding the market, but somehow they don't want to.

Which makes me think most scalpers are insiders at this point which would explain tons of things.

>he doesn't embrace the sleeze
not gonna make it pal, not gonna make it.

Attached: salesman_1 (1).jpg (1000x525, 94.4K)

scalpers make online games dead because nobody can afford to get to play them, not based
banditry is uncommon in the civilized world and rarer still from a deserving man
fvcking zased

no, it's jogger-tier behavior

Now THIS is based.

Surprised there haven't been more robberies with all the cam whoring done on Twitter. Or maybe there have and I've just been sleeping.



>dabbing on snoys
Unironically yes

I have sold 8 PS5s in total for about a 200-300 dollar markup. I sometimes haggle with them if they're into that, and let them off the hook with a 10-20 dollar discount if they're persistent.

It's pretty fun to scalp.

how did scalpers get those consoles in the first place? chance of getting that many preorder orders is very unlikely.
also, those consoles would cost over 20k. how do they have so much money?
i think it is a mafia we're dealing with here. the same mafia recruits low level independent dealers all over the world to do the buy low sell high thing. i've actually studied some patterns emerging in my local website that sells used games and all points are pointing in to organized network of dealers. it is not just some big cities and countries, it is everywhere. they are operating a multi BILLION operation.
it's sickening, they are probhiting gamers from playing. they don't play, they are just soulless merchants that prey on the others and aim to make everyones lifes miserable.

source: dude trust me

>not executing the guy he robbed

Attached: 1623529246207.png (600x583, 273.32K)

I really wonder what % of ps5,XBseX, and new GPU sales still haven't reached actual customers and are still sitting in some scalpers storage trying to get $1000+ for each.
Are that many people still paying hundreds over MSRP for a new console? I'm sure there are some but I would guess that the people willing to shell out scalper amounts for a ps5/SeX have already bought one.

Attached: psp white ad.jpg (1200x800, 123.86K)

>source: dude trust me

I expect the robbery threat was a joke but the scalper took it seriously and closed his account in a panny. "He got robbed" is just wishful thinking,

>they are just soulless merchants that prey on the others and aim to make everyones lifes miserable.
oy vey

based if true, scalper cunt was asking for it. play with fire, prepare to get burnt.

milking consolecucks is pretty based

These consoles are sold at a loss or they barely brake even, most of the profit comes from selling the games, ps+ etc
If they made more consoles the scalpers would just those up too and sony doesn't make a lot of money from consoles that just sit in a faggot's basement

Does the Switch also have this problem?

No? Switch supply isn't limited at all.

So what’s the deal with the others and why switch isn’t?

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google it retard

>If they made more consoles the scalpers would just those up too
Scalpers have a limited budget user. That's why they only scalp a few things.


Not really the same as scalping at all

are these guys gonna mean sonys downfall?

Well, they're certainly robbing the world and its people of precious oxygen that's for sure.

Somewhat, but holding their success over the heads of others is cringe. Nouveau riche and gaudy practice.

>Not really the same as scalping at all

Buying available units and driving up the price of stock they can't get their hands on. Worse than scalping as you soon won't be able to buy the product even at a large mark-up.

I'd say a ton, according to steams hardware survey less than 9% of users that actually take it have a 30 series GPU as of february