Why are "Critics" so out of touch with gamers?

Why are "Critics" so out of touch with gamers?

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critics got a version without microtransactions

Critics are advertisers for game companies.

hype review -> more views -> more pennies
also for GT7 there was a reach patch that raped the game
elden ring shows how overrated that trash actually is

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Critics played a version of the game that worked, that didn't have microtransactions, and didn't patch the game to increase grind which is already too severe.

sony pays well, fuck gamers, I would do the same

>elden ring shows how overrated that trash actually is
This. Elden Ring was dogshit despite its metacritic score.

Horizon was also review bombed to oblivion but Metacritic stepped in and deleted reviews, why aren't they stepping in now?

what happened? did they make the cars into trannies or something?

>always online
>server outages
>poor single player campaign mode
>bad grind
>grind made worse deliberately with updates
>expensive microtransactions

They reviewed the game before Sony pulled the old 'fuck you switcheroo' and revealed the REAL game

Critics got the version with cheaper cars and no MTX. You can hardly blame them for the score.

>singleplayer campaign
>always online
What is even the point of that why are devs fucking retarded

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Because they want you to buy their MTX cars and not use a hacked save

Reviews are a paid service. the more you pay the better your game’s score

I genuinely think most journo outlets give honest reviews of single player games (honest doesn't mean they're good or have good opinions, just that they aren't straight shilling). Any, and I mean ANY online game with microtransactions is by default terrible and reviews are 100% paid shill campaigns every single time.

Chuds are raiding the reviews because "it's woke" for having women and minoritied represented in the characters across the game. Truly pathetic.


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This didnt happen until the game was down for 30 hours because they fucked up a patch.

What's your point?

If they hadnt made an always online singleplayer game because they're greedy kikes it wouldn't have happened.

threat confirmed. asset mobilized.

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They don't give honest reviews of anything because every game journo is cripplingly insecure about their opinions. Both they and their audience know that the general consumer has a better grasp of what is good about any game and will flip 180 on everything when general consensus shifts, reviews are approximations of what they think everyone else thinks. I've never seen another art form where the critics are absolute plebs while the consumers are hyper informed.

Because the journalist are payed by the editors. Next question.

>release Open World game
>get run off by Elden Ring
>release racing game
>get run off by DLC for a 9 year old Mario Kart title

How does Sony do it?

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The critic scores were out before a 30 hour downtime and a change to the currency system that fucks you over even more whether you're a F2P or paypig.

I haven't seen anyone talk about the MK8 dlc apart from that thread making fun of the graphics.

Review bombing and other forms of mob justice and group think pretty much make user reviews irrelevant. Not that critic reviews are any better as they're generally just glorified advertisements especially in regards to video games (somehow critics are much more critical of films, for instance).

Take a meta score with a grain of salt. It can tell you something, sometimes, but it's unlikely to paint the full picture regardless of who the source is

Can you actually play GT7 for free? Or do you mean nothing in addition to the $70 + tip