World of Warcraft 10.0

>Codename Project Paradox
>Expansion is a cataclysm style revamp of the northern Eastern Kingdoms.
>Capital Cities are a rebuilding Gilneas and undercity that will change over the course of the expansion.
>Key players are Genn Greymane, Wrathion, Sabellian, Calia Menethil, Vereesa Windrunner and Falstad Wildhammer.
>Levelling zones are Gineas, Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, Old Quel'thalas, The Plaguelands, Hinterlands, Arathi Highlands and Hillsbrand/Alterac Mountains
>Levelling is 50-60, 60 remains the cap and levels will squish each expansion from now on with players at 60 resetting to 50 with gear being treated as the greater power metric now.
>Shadowlands is rolled into Chromie time and will not be the expected default choice before current content as BfA was for Shadowlands.
>Cross faction grouping, trading and chat will be implemented for players not flagged for War Mode. None goblin auction houses will remain unconnected and capital cities/town guards will remain hostile.
>Enemy factions are the resurgent Scarlet Crusade led by a mysterious swordsman with a familiar blade of Revendreth design, a corrupted Ravenholdt lead by Sabellian and a rogue Kirin Tor and Gilneas insurgency that refuse the tenuous peace brokered after the events of Battle for Azeroth.

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>Story Hooks include the rebuilding of the two faction cities which player professions will be tied into with a new questing progression system, The Hinterlands seeing Troll Druids form an unlikely alliance with the Wildhammer Dwarfs as some magical malady is threatening extinction for the bat and griffon mounts both people rely on, the mysterious resurgence of the Scarlet Crusade and their invasion of the Plaguelands and offensive to wipe out the Argent Dawn, the discovery of a isolated hold out of high elves in Old Queltha'las forced to reach out for aid defending against the forces of the Amani backed by a mysterious benefactor and most significantly horde and alliance players coming together to combat a conspiracy by Sabellian to drive the factions to war. In Wrahtions absence and Fahrads death he has usurped this shadowy organisation for his own ends and with the risk of the two factions forming a united front which never ends well for the 3rd party he is trying to drive the factions to war while gaining access to an ancient repository of eldritch knowledge sealed below Tirisfal Glades. Wrathion -who is essentially to 10.0 what khadgar was to WoD and Legion- will recruit players of both factions to join his own network of agents -with additional dialogue and options for players who completed the Mists of Pandaria legendary questline and reached Exalted with the connected faction.
>New profession system: The Masterworks.
>A crafting focussed campaign where players take part in crafting dailies, world quests and minigames to aid in the effort to rebuild their factions capital city for the expansion. Doing so will unlock new recipes, new tiers of existing recipes, and facilities in the cities respective crafting quarters to allow you to customise both stats and appearance of gear -limited to gear in the 10.x series. Expect a blend of order hall and garrison style content with a bit of server wide war effort turn ins thrown in.

fuck off retard LARPer

>Archeology has been revamped and is now a primary profession. A purchasable book for 250g will restore any existing archeology levels and discoveries should you choose to replace a current primary profession with Archeology 2.0.
>PVP revamp: warmode talents are gone. When choosing to enter warmode you are altered to a trimmed down and static loadout of each spec for each class. These pvp 'warmode specs' will be balanced and adjusted independently to the unflagged pve version of the same class and spec.
>Tol Barad is getting a complete revamp sold as "Ashran done right".
>Honour and Valour points return in the same capacity they had in Cataclysm. One earns blue vendor gear the other is weekly gated currency for epic normal mode raid difficulty equivalent rewards.

>New form of toned down borrowed power: Echoes of Antiquity. Essentially conduits that slot in your gear like gems. Instead of having to stick to a piece of armour for a power like azerite gear or the one objective choice fits all of covenants the system of shards of domination has been expanded where players can find gear with Echo sockets or crafters can create an item to give a piece of chest, shoulder, helm or weapon an echo socket and place an Echo of Antiquity in the slot to gain its effects. Echoes themselves are BoE for Rare quality and BoP for Epic and can effect existing abilities both passively or cosmetically, give additional passives such as absorb shields or movement speed increases or in the case of Legendary Echoes even grant you new or old returning spells to use. Some are intended to be powerful character additions to be chased by raiders while others will be intended for fun so even casual players will find some reward beyond just a stat boost. An example being a Mage socketing an Echo looted from Kirin Tor Defector mobs that grants them the spell "Open Lock". Archeologists can remove Echoes without destroying them using the trade enchant interface otherwise players will have to choose if they want to overwrite an existing echo with a new one if they want to keep using the same gear piece.

>Mythic keystones will no longer be losing levels on failures and their level cap has been risen significantly. Intended as a new endless mode to replace Torghast which will be retired in 10.0 to "see how far players can go without the off putting failure state that bred rampant toxicity".
>Master Loot is returning for same server pugs and guild runs.
>5 dungeons at launch: Dalaran Crater, The Blackweald, Stratholme Heroic, Jinatha'alor and an as of now unfinished high elf dungeon.
>First raid: Uldorus, the Argentum Vault. Players are lead by Wrathion and a group of Vrykul paladins known as Tyr's Guard to stop Sabellian breaking into a titan facility underneath Stratholme -the original target of Malganis he failed to access during the scourging of Lordearon to contain weapons and magical objects of incredible power.

>New progression system: Seasons. A replacement for the covenant renown system seasons introduce a battlepass style mechanic to give pve players seasonal content at the same time as pvp players. Completing any tasks after the level cap increases your level on the seasonal experience track to unlock new transmog appearances, weapon enchant visuals, mounts, dances, hairstyles and resources. Once a season concludes the items will be added to the cash shop for a fee but the battlepass style mechanic itself has no real money paid track.
>Seasons will also bring a campaign similar to games like Destiny. The first involving the Infinite Dragonflight and various paradox based world quest live events around the questing zones where for a limited time areas may change and the players must restore things to normal as these paradoxes are unbalancing the fabric of time and space and allowing Devourers to infiltrate Azeroth and they must be contained. But some characters struggle with the choice to "restore" a section of the plaguelands where the scourge never happened and risk devourer corruption.
>No new race or class.
>Additional customisations are planned but not for launch.
>Opt in Beta tentatively planned for late July 2022, launch holidays 2022.

>PVP revamp: warmode talents are gone. When choosing to enter warmode you are altered to a trimmed down and static loadout of each spec for each class. These pvp 'warmode specs' will be balanced and adjusted independently to the unflagged pve version of the same class and spec.
Translation: please stop playing tanks in pvp

>Prot paladin taurens that refuse to die in AV: No.

Prot paladin is kino in PVP top bad the rogues mages and priests throw a hissy fit whenever they are viable.

McConnel pls go.

>The developers who wrote and produced Shadowlands still work at the company even after the xbox buyout
I'm not coming back to this turd until they get tortured and exterminated.

It's sounds shit so its plausible.

Shame nobody is applying for piss poor wages to live 8 to an apartment off campus and drinking free coffee as an apatite suppressant for the blizzard name anymore.

>>Cross faction grouping, trading and chat will be implemented for players not flagged for War Mode. None goblin auction houses will remain unconnected and capital cities/town guards will remain hostile.
Stopped reading here.
All auction houses have been connected since WoD.
Put in more effort next time OP, this is embarrassing.

m+ doesnt have a cap you stupid larping retard

tank niggers dont belong outside of RBGs

>No new race or class.
Fucking yawn.

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Wow died with Wrath. No one gives a shit go UwU somewhere else furry faggot

>Codename Project Paradox
Fitting since it's mind boggling Blizzard keeps churning out shit and getting worse and worse.. Both the most woman hating and offensive company but also the most PC game ruining shit..

>Enemy factions are the resurgent Scarlet Crusade

They could have made them something better than other puncbag but you know lazy writing .

I hate what they did with the level ,being lvl 140 would be better

They literally can't come up with anything creative, even if this is true or not. There just isn't anything interesting about azeroth anymore. Legion squeezed the last interesting lore drops, everything afterwards feels like filler.
Only wow 2 would be anything noteworthy

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AH have been connected for awhile

99,9% of this sounds like shit. Didn't read the rest. NuBlizzard is trash.

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This is the most tone-deaf leak I've seen so far, knowing Blizzard, that also makes it the most realistic leak to where even if it isn't real I can see it being real.

If the next expansion doesn't have something really impressive to show, then they might as well just shut down the servers right now.