If you used this, you didn't really beat the game

If you used this, you didn't really beat the game

Attached: Lantern-Elden-Ring.png (284x284, 75.96K)

if you didn't play in 4k, you didn't really beat the game.


Sucks that you have to put it on every single you fast travel. It should just be on all the time.

if you dont beat your meat, how can you beat the game?

what does this latern thing actually do?

i have like 4 of them, and just figured they're useless just like all the other crafting items

If you used the roll button more than 20 times, you didn't beat it

its a torch that you don't have to equip into your arm

If you got the vax, you didn't beat bloodborne.


It's an unlimited use item that lights a lantern on your hip. You only need one and it's very handy

they really could have done without this considering the very few times you need to equip a light source.

Yea didnt know this was a thing. Also the game isn't really that dark, i never felt the need for a light source.

It's a lantern from Dragon's Dogma. You attach it on your waist for permament light that won't take any of your hands. The light though is way weaker than that of a torch.

what is this retarded meme?

If you
>are not start out as wretch
>AND not naked ONLY
>AND not using fist ONLY
>AND level up
>AND use Torrent
>AND use fast travel
>AND use sorcery and incantation
>AND use ashes of war (kick included)
>AND use spirits summon
>AND use flasks
>AND use dodge and jump
>AND use item
>AND MOST IMPORTANTLY if you die even once in the entire playthrough
you didn't really beat the game

I just used Glowstones. Stopped my exploring several times to return to Limgrave to farm Ruin Fragments.
Okay, you can all stop applauding, really!

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Crafting isn't complete crap. It's gestures that are useless. Other than fingersnapping the wolf guy to get him to talk you, I've never found a single thing that happens from using gestures.

I have this problem too but work dying
It needs to stay out until you put it away again
It would've been really cool to have a dark dungeon that forces your lantern to turn off and when you turn it on again you're surrounded

You mean or

And yes dying in the starting zone counts as not really beating the game

Erudition! causes the Twinsorceror mask to light up. This is used to open a rise puzzle in Liurnia for a memory stone.

I am sure someone will find at least one more before the end of the month.

I think the best light is actually the int spell you get from the loser right at the start of liurnia. Knowing fromsoft it's probably only a minute long though

>there's a torch item
>there's an upgraded torch item
>there's a light spell
>then there's this lantern torch at the beginning of the game
casuls won

It fucks with your sneaking at night and when inside, otherwise I'd agree.

No, I really mean AND.

Just another brick in the wall.

There's like 4 torches lmao
Sleep and cold torches are for utility to make runs more interesting if you can use them
Regular is for light
Steel torch is for chads

I mained torch-pole for the whole game, never needed a lantern.

Attached: Fat_Fuck.jpg (1280x1089, 196.82K)

Really I never noticed a difference

Elden Ring players really playing on Easy mode huh

Elden Ring
>Lantern and Torch doesn't get affected by water or weather

Dragon's Dogma
>You have to equip/unequip your lantern whenever it gets wet

Game for babbies. after all this time Dragons' Dgoma still has superior combat and spells

Has anyone done a NG+ yet is it worth it starting out with high level gear, reading these threads make me realise I missed a load of shit in the game, I never even met that turd wrangler necrophiliac.

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I like all the torch variants, it really feels like they tried to encourage you to use a real torch, and for me it worked.
>normal torch
>steelwire torch has better phys and fire damage, scaling (C to B dex), and weapon art (firebreather)
>beast repelling torch has better stats, scaling (C to B str), fantastic for skipping basilisks everywhere but also annoying enemies like the death dogs
>sentry torch almost mandatory for black knives, hope you've been practicing
>ghostflame torch is a little bit letdown, but it scales int, does cold damage and builds frostbite
>st trina torch builds sleep and might even be PvP meme viable for a sleep build

last 2 torches also have special colors

>Knowing fromsoft it's probably only a minute long though
Sounds about right. I still used it a lot. having the light of a raised torch while having both hands free is pretty neat, even if it is only a minute.
Sucks to have if go out in the middle of combat though so i still always had my lantern on so i didn't end up completely blind.

>dick-measuring contest: the series

Summons = Cheating
Spirit Ashes = Cheating
Weapon Arts = Cheating
Ashes of War = Cheating
Faith = Cheating
Sorcery = Cheating
Shields = Cheating
Rolling = Cheating
Upgrading weapons beyond +15 = Cheating
Using bleeds = Cheating
Being overleveled = Cheating
More than +3 on your flasks = Cheating
More than 5 flasks = Cheating
Mounted combat = Cheating
Using fast travel = Cheating
Using remembrance weapons = Cheating
Choosing any starting class but Wretch = Cheating
Using strong/jumping attacks to stance break a boss = Cheating
Completing the game on version 1.02 or lower = Cheating

how's the damage on that thing upgraded, was thinking of using it

You forgot using your hands on the controller/keyboard+mouse.

Is this new? I did the gesture and the ghost ladder did appear, but the chest at the top is empty suggesting I previously was there to collect it, and I have no recollection of solving any puzzles.

Attached: eldenring_rdiKYKIbAW.jpg (2560x1440, 486.34K)

So it’s just autism, good to know I can discard these shit opinions

If you didn't kill everyone of these faggots on sight, uninstall the game then kys, you lost the game of life.

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for one of those 2 towers you could skip the gesture requirement by climbing the wall around the building and jumping onto the higher level.

Ah that's exactly what I did.

The only autism here is that which can’t understand obvious jokes

They don't actually sell anything worthwhile outside of the armor, shields, and cookbooks to warrant bothering collecting their bell bearings for.
Just some shitty arrows, and I've already stocked up on throwing knives and kukri.