BOTW perfected open world games. Don't change my mind

>Horizon/GTA/Witcher: cannot enter this area, please progress main story first
>BOTW: go anywhere as soon as you are done with tutorial

>Dying Light/AC: can only climb things with footholds
>BOTW: climb anything

>Red Dead / Elder Scrolls / GTA: wanna buy something expensive? go grind for 30 hours
>BOTW: can get anything after grinding for 5 mins

>DaSoulsborne: Patches all the fun glitches
>BOTW: Mine kart still flying 5 years later

How is this game so goddamn comfy and great?

Attached: Link_night-1480x833.png (1480x833, 979.85K)

Making everything climbable diminished my enjoyement of the game, actually. I wish hiking mountains was something more involved than just pressing forward on my joystick for 2 minutes.
I also don't like how easy the hovering makes traversing the world.

Imagine skyrim having more involved mountain climbing than BOTW :D

I love how the world opens up by most things being climbable. Hiking mountains would've been so bad.
I also love how hovering makes the overworld easy to traverse.

Could've been an amazing foundation for actual story but the content is so lackluster.

It's such an amazing story. The content is so rich.

kek user, can't admit your favorite game's faults?

its pretty boring, downloaded it like 3 times in the last 5 years and got bored after 2 hours every time

You're not wrong. Every other open world game that came after BOTW used something from it.
>b-but BOTW already copied others!
And matched everything in a pretty good way.

did you at least make it out of the tutorial?

user...have you ever been hiking

Is this game 100% playable on an emulator these days without any weird issues?

Been meaning to play it but it just never happened. I have a pretty great computer so performance wise I should be good

>go anywhere as soon as you are done with tutorial
that's not a positive

>finish tutorial
>theres only 2hour worth of new content
>the rest is just copy pasted ubisoft tier shit for drooling retards

I've said it a million times, it's a great exploration game, but its story is incredibly thin, yet somehow is praised to high heavens.

>BOTW perfected open world games
It's literally ubisoft open world with a Zelda skin though

>climb anything
As the other user pointed out, allowing the player to climb pretty much anything destroys any challenge in traveling. This isn't some large issue, but it makes exploration far less interesting. Take, for example, Rain World, which has a far smaller world, but it's much more difficult to traverse and because of that, actually exploring it is useful, if only to know the routes that allow you to go to places you need to reach.
Also is a bad comparison, as that is physically challenging and you'll need to plan out some route, as you probably can't climb steep walls
>can get anything after grinding for 5 minutes
I don't think that if you left the tutorial, you could get any item in 5 minutes, but that's a nitpick. Anyway, my point is that most of what you get is pretty pointless, due to the durability system. Koroks are really annoying to get, random weapons and consumables are easy and boring, while armor is at least somewhat useful, but it gives such small effects that it may as well not exist. Because of how much the devs wanted a game without progression, they destroyed most sources of extrinsic rewards and though intrinsic rewards are great and in the game, you need extrinsic rewards to give the player some guidance to find the fun of the game. Without them, you're left with an empty sandbox, which can be fun for some people, but can also be significantly improved.
>Mine kart still flying 5 years later
The sheikah slate mechanics and glitches are probably the best parts of BOTW, so, yes, that is a good point.
Overall, besides what I said, BOTW has abysmal variety for the size of the world, which makes it very uninteresting to explore. It's a good game, but it hasn't perfected shit and I hope that open world games improve upon movement and variety, so that exploration wouldn't get old in 2 hours.

>nintendies fanatism

BotW has a huge boon in its robust physics system which remains unrivaled to this day, particularly because other open world games such as Horizon, GTA or The Witcher are still hyperfocusing in having linear content and being more cinematic, by stripping these elements off the formula BotW had most of its development time focused on creating a more organic experience at the cost of a much less involved storyline.

>its story is incredibly thin, yet somehow is praised to high heavens
I've never heard anyone unironically praise the story, even people who greatly enjoyed the game

BTW, mine cart flying is not a glitch, it is an exploit, it works within the paramenters defined by the game's physics, it just so happens that the game's physics are really good.

>allowing the player to climb pretty much anything destroys any challenge in traveling. This isn't some large issue, but it makes exploration far less interesting.
pretty much my biggest complaint

With or without a horse?

>Open world must mean I can go anywhere and succeed
You fuckers are the ones ruining videogames and making them baby mode easy.

Bethesda games did that shit way better decades earlier, all that BOTW added were physics puzzles and climbing.

It's an exploration game. That's it. The game actively punishes you for combat with its retarded weapon durability system. It encourages you to avoid combat. Terrible fucking game.

You forgot to add
>BOTW: Has literally zero content

What? This is abject bullshit that can only be said by someone who has not played the game.

First of all, climbing is one of the activities that consume the most stamina, climbing cannot be done all that much until you actually complete most of the game and collect enough orbs To boost the stamina meter to a decent lenght.

Secondly, climbing is severely hindered by weather conditions and enemy placement, particularly in areas with permanent and semi-permanent rain and those populated by Guardians.

Third and final, it is often more cumbersome to climb anything that to just follow the designated paths, and climbing is more often done for sidequesting purposes, getting to most of the story content is fairly by just following roads.