How did they manage to make EVERY single endgame zone absolute trash...

How did they manage to make EVERY single endgame zone absolute trash? Did they get the designers of Dark Souls 2 endgame for it?

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I really enjoyed Haligtree, until I reached Malenia. Up there with Leyndell, Stormveil and Raya Lucaria as my favorite places to explore. Shame about the boss.
Faggot Azula just feels like Miyazaki telling you to stop playing though. Just missing a couple of rot swamps.

Mohg's area is clearly half-finished DLC bait.

i really dislike the dlc in ds2, unironically worse than the whole main game

All the endgame zones are based as fuck and the best in the series. You're bad, and so is try actually getting gud.

the only mediocre one was the snow area, all the other areas were fun and kino

I thought the first two were pretty nice. There are some design issues, but they don't feel like "THAT area" unlike half the base game.

How the fuck can anyone like the Haligtree area? It was clearly designed to be as grating as possible. At least the platforming in it wasn't as bad as in the Shunning Grounds in the capital.

Siofra River is a copypaste of Ainsel River. Nokstella is a copypaste of Nekron. The only cool area was Volcano Manor.

Haligtree is my favorite zone in the series. Absolute fucking kino.

>Siofra River is a copypaste of Ainsel River. Nokstella is a copypaste of Nekron. The only cool area was Volcano Manor.

You have not played the game.

Yes, the Dark Souls 2 director did most of Elden Ring, it’s a B team game.

>literally showers you in souls
>you can get a million just by clearing it twice with a scarab talisman
>tfw end up getting a lvl 140 out of nowhere
This game's balance is so fucking bad it's actually funny. But I enjoyed this location more than the snowy trash.

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Because it looks cool and the level design is fantastic. Enemy placement on the tree branches is annoying but whatever

>hating aztec poison ruins
>hating fume tower
>hating on Frozen land
Literally the only bad parts are reindeer hell and the samurai boss run. God I wish they would remaster/fix das2.

Did anyone else realise that Liurnia and Altus have different background music at night?

>this shit tastes good try getting good and you'll be able to appreciate excrement better huh!

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might have been added in the patch

>Not only did he post a wojak, but he also didn't directly respond to my post
Yeah, i won that argument. BOOM baby!

>45 vigor
>dogs still randomly oneshot you
Mohgwyn palace is by far the most DS2 zone in the game. It just has Yui Tanimura written all over it.

that's pretty nice

I mean yes it looked fantastic, but it was just aggravating.

Yeah, it was. The tracks are really nice too, not sure why would they not just include them in the release version.

Some dogs are bugged and have a specific attack that deals damage more times than it should

That happened to you too? With 45 vigor I lost like 80% of hp from a dog in a snowy end-game area. It was a "red blood" dog. I think their bleed build up is bugged sometimes and they proc bleed multiple times on you with an attack.
It happened only once tho.

>fume tower
>Place some of the most annoying big enemies in the game with the tankiest soldiers just to fuck with you
Raime and Alonne were the only good things about that shit
>aztec temples
Unironically too simple, that shit felt like a single corridor, they could’ve done more desu, and Sinh is REALLY overrated
>Ice dlc
>1 kat
>2 kats
Every time I think about replaying Dark Souls 2 there’s some terrible ass cancer thing that dissolves all anticipation I had, so I never go on this board just so I can fucking forget that the game even exists before I can start enjoying it. Don’t even get me started on the character’s animation and feel.

Yeah but clearing it is a pain and the bloody dogs can one shot you and the bloody birds are annoying as fuck. There's no need to grind in this shitty game. Also that character is not attractive.

Gay and cringe.