What's a setting you'd like to see adapted for a video game?

What's a setting you'd like to see adapted for a video game?

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africa colonization.

Caves of Qud is heavily inspired by Gamma World, the devs are massive fans and it shows
stellar taste by the way OP

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>shies away from you

what the hell was her fucking problem?

I should probably try to play that game eventually.

Just make sure you don't actually BUY it.

Tiananmen Square in 1989 would be cool.

is that thing standing on a fuzzy pickle?

Not that I was planning on buying before even trying it, but why?

RIFTS. I'm actually shocked it never happened.

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Siembieda is a fucking moron, so I don't think he'd even know here to start.
Having played Kingdom death I think it would work far better as a vidya than a board game even if its just Berserk Souls Hunter

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>Berserk Souls Hunter

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they actually made a game on the N-gage and they were going to make a Crpg, but nothing ever came about

The Nightlands is a proto fantasy novel that while kinda boring has a kino setting that could be ripe for vidya too.

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90% of the game would be locked behind paid dlc

Both would be based

>they actually made a game on the N-gage
with those business skills it's probably for the better they didn't try any further

Any kind of retro Sci-fi, Fallout kinda gets there but I'm talking sword fights on the moon with an evil wizard tier.

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I'm more into Galaxy mag and Weird Tales to be very honest with you family. Galaxy in particular had some banger one offs.

This, we are in dire need of Planetary Romances and Sword & Planet settings (and Space Operas to a lesser extent).

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