Still no "all bosses" speedrun

>Still no "all bosses" speedrun.


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go do it yourself

there at like 170 bosses total in the game. just watch all rememberances speed runs

Happy Hob Soulsbornekiroring no hit run when?

Malekith and specially godfrey really salvaged the main boss fights in this game. I dont know what they were thinking when they made 4 out of the 7 shardbearers gimmick fights. That plus malenia being unfun as shit to fight

Such a run would be a complete fucking nightmare.

the only ER speedrun i'm interested in is a 100% glitchless run and i don't care that it would be one of those 8-hour long "speed"runs

>Godrick: no gimmick
>Rennala: no gimmick unless you consider summons a gimmick
>Rykard: gimmick
>Morgott: no gimmick except Shackle. Still a straightforward bossfight
>Mohg: physiks and shackle gimmick, but still a straightforward bossfight
>Malenia: no gimmick
What did user mean by this?

The game can be run in under 2 hours without glitches.

2 hours to beat every boss and collect every item? link me my dude

Elajjaz is trying to figure out a proper way to do this, but apparently a lot of speedtrannies are burning out cause it takes too long to run through everything.

My bad, missed the 100% in your original post. I don't think anyone is doing an all bosses and all items. At best, you could check out all Remembrances runs.

>meet mohg
>go behind him and attack
>he is doing some swinging motion
>not sure what the fuck is going on, but keep pummeling him
>his health is decreasing
>oh boy, what gimmick is this gonna be
>he dies
>here we go, phase 2
>get spoils

What the fuck was that battle?


>a 100% glitchless run
I feel like this would be impossible to do in one sitting.

He activates phase 2 around 50% health, but it is possible to DPS him down before he can enter it.

All remembrances % is pretty good, still in its routing state since all weapons suck for speedrunning post nerfs now. I think Golden Halberd + Mimic Tears and Swarm of Flies may be the meta.

There might be an all unique bosses category, I assume that one will take 5+ hours and it's just going to be horsing across the map and 3 shotting every boss while overleveled, so I don't think it will be run much.

wait, the shackle from patches will work on Morgott in Leyndell and not just Margit in stormveil? or is there something else

Rykard, radahn, renalla, morgot and mohg are all gimmicks I guess

There are Shackles for both Morgott and Mohg that let you stun them for a few seconds in their first phases twice. Morgott's is bought from Patches and Mohg's is found in the Leyndell sewers if I remember correctly.

Margit's shackle, because Margit is Morgott

Depends what you mean by all bosses.
If you mean every single reused dungeon boss you won't see many of those runs because nobody will want to do that.
You need some sort of filter.

>Depends what you mean by all bosses.
All bosses. By all bosses, I mean all bosses. All of them. All bosses. An all bosses speedrun should kill all bosses. Every single one.

yeah people were hyping up in every thread it was pretty disappointing when I actually got to him

Well you'll have to wait. I'm sure someone will do it eventually but it won't be remotely interesting

>All bosses. By all bosses, I mean all bosses. All of them. All bosses. An all bosses speedrun should kill all bosses. Every single one.
Could you please be a little bit more clear?

Radagon is also fun as far as the final boss goes then they fucked it up with Elden Beast.

Rennala first phase is gimmicky just not as bad as the others.

you say this but people actually did 100% runs in botw where they got all the koroks and all the rest

>nobody will want to do that.

I can't find the exact number of total bosses but let's lowball it and say 150. Even if you would manage to kill one boss every 5 minutes (which seems impossible with all the traveling and all the dungeons you have to do) the run would still take 12.5 hours.