Elden Ring has the worst boss fights collectively in a fromsoft game since demon’s souls

Elden Ring has the worst boss fights collectively in a fromsoft game since demon’s souls

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Demon souls bosses were 100 times better dumbass.

I agree but you're not allowed to have this opinion, elden ring needs to be a flawless masterpiece that cannot be criticised.

>im not bad actually um im a game design expert let me tell you why this attack i got hit but is unfai
shut the fuck up. ok? shut the fuck up.

Demon souls bosses 100 times worse than anything. Terrible ballanced, force you to cheese, half of bosses are gimmicks.

Ikr baka we should pump elden ring hate thread from 100 daily to 1000 daily

Dark Souls II was far worse. Elden Ring lacks memorable characters and moments for bosses, they're just mechanical challenges for the most part, but Dark Souls II didn't have either.
The Crucible Knight you fight in the Limgrave Evergaol is just a buffed up regular enemy and it's still a better fight than almost anything in DS2.


all of ER's interesting characters to me exist way the fuck outside of roudntable and the main plot. The merchants and Alexander in particular I wish had more to them.

What? No. You're wrong. The only hard boss in that game would probably be the Gargoyles.

They at least did something different and were mostly memorable as a result. Now bosses are a blur of roll/attack rhythm game dudes-with-sword or giant monsters that fight your camera more than your character.

I know this is a bait thread, but, no joke, I think Malenia might actually be the worst boss in the series. Not counting meme shit like reskins or DS2.

I just wanted to make this thread op. Yes I agree. Ds3 bosses are 100x better. This is the second worst just before dark souls 2.

As far as bosses go

There has always been some bosses that are underwhelming as fuck or are downright terrible. ER comes off better if you decide to just count the best showing of any particular boss as its boss fight.

>lacks memorable characters and moments
Maybe when you stumble into yet another crucible knight or yet another watchdog fight or if you're fighting Godfroy the Grafted. ER does occasionally manage to leave an impression of some sort with its bosses.

>Merchant just playing music
The amount of characters, even enemies, casually playing music or singing in addition to the ambient music in ER is pretty comfy.

She's not a bad boss just because the player is heavily incentivized to parry. Parry has always been the most difficult mechanic in Souls games while also being the most overlooked and underutilized. It's good that the one place they make it worth learning is on the one boss that people will struggle with the most. I'm sure a meaningful number of gitgudfags who talked shit to coopfags in previous games are now bitching about Malenia because they can't be bothered to deal with taking their turn back against a boss that isn't a rollr1 vending machine.

>Parry has always been the most difficult mechanic in Souls games
Is this satire? I'd assume so, but the post seems too long to just be a funny

The game peaked with Margit, that was actually a good, well balanced and fun boss fight. Then they started giving every boss bullshit AOE attacks and infinite poise with barely any window to attack

ds3 bosses are worse than des bosses and only narrowly better than ds2 bosses
they are the reason elden ring boss fights suck

I can't take this gay shit no more. It's literally dark souls 3 on steroids. Fuck this gay company. After the two fat retarded retards rolling everywhere and respawning I think I saw everything this cancerous game has to offer.
no I'll just play good games instead of learning by heart the 6000 combos pattern of spastic retards copy pasted bosses to know precisely the 0.001 millisecond window where I need to roll, thanks.
Elden ring trannies are like abused wives defending their shit husband.

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>It's literally dark souls 3 on steroids
I fucking wish. Maybe then it'd be fun.

Holy based, I kneel.

I wouldn't necessarily agree, but Radagon/Elden Beast are the worst final boss/bosses since Nashandra.

Radagon is great though, it’s just the Elden Beast that’s bad

>force you to cheese

but dark souls 2 still exists tho

>bro just use parry
>btw it takes three parries to actually stun her
>and a riposte does like 1/10 of her total HP because just like every other boss past Morgott she has a massively overloaded HP bar
The fuck am I reading here

The problem is that in other souls games the devs can predict a general window of where the player should be at in terms of power and balace the bosses for it. Because of the open world some bosses like Godrick for example can be fought almost immediately or after you clear three huge areas. This mixed with the terrible direction the souls series is taking with boss design makes it frustrating. It's a shame that DS2 was so hated that everybody latched onto DS3, because the game was shit and has directed the series terribly.

>boss does infinite spin move with no ability to counter
>nips: yeah but it doesn't drain that much stamina if you block it so it's fair!
>but what about fun

They've been pretty great so far actually.