Anyone else having problems with not being able to enjoy video games anymore? It just feels like such a waste of time...

Anyone else having problems with not being able to enjoy video games anymore? It just feels like such a waste of time. I tried to replay games from my youth but then after 30minutes reality hits and i'm like what am I doing this for

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It's not that it feels like such a waste of time, there's just no time, too many distractions.
Luckly for me, vidya gaems will be my career!

It just feels like a waste of time.

I tried playing Cities Skylines because I used to spend hundreds of hours in this game and I tried playing Hitman1 and Hitman 2 because I still had to play them but I just cant bring myself to do it for longer than 30 minutes.

Its just that deep down I know its a waste of time and nothing changes for the future.

I miss being unemployed and having no worries about the future

Same, it just feels like I’m burning time for no reason.

I’d recommend hitting the gym more and maybe branching off into some different hobbies for variety.

Find a new hobby and stop complaining.

>muh wasted time
time enjoyed is not time wasted
you are broken by the machine of modern productivity
learn to value your own happiness

It's social pressure. Humans have an innate desire to climb the social ladder. By going anti-social and RPing all the time it starts to become insignificant because your brain realizes it hasn't achieved anything to further your status.

It's the very reason we get depressed over not being a "successful" wagie or some other stressful bullshit that isn't worth it.

>Humans have an innate desire to climb the social ladder.
nah not really
you have had that beaten into you by the world
i'm not saying you have to go full hermit NEET, but you can also just find tasks that you consider rewarding or enjoyable and do those instead
learn a skill, or improve at the vidya you like
the only thing stopping you is the notion the horrid modern world you live in has beaten into you that simply enjoying your time isn't "good enough"

Enjoy your suicide once you hit your late 30s

>you have to be a hedonist to understand that your own time and happiness are more valuable than the bullshit pop culture imposes on you
okay retard, enjoy your heart attack at 45

Not really, I love them, what you should do is stop wasting your time here.

Not that guy but op seems to not be enjoying his time on bullshit pop culture consumed by him. Nothing about modern productivity.

all i want is a sense of belonging in a community and helping everyone work to achieve some sort of common goal
instead all i have available is a life of slaving away for a pittance of shekels so jews can destroy my people and their way of life

and they couldnt even let me have good escapism in any form
the only reason videogames were continually getting better is because they're based on technology which was rapidly improving and the industry was new and hadnt been corrupted yet
now its all gone

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Yes. Time is catching up to me as the years go by. I'm always thinking, "Fuck, I'm not getting any younger."

Good point.

I make time for other hobbies and projects, but I've bonded with some of my best friends through our shared and continued love of gaming.

You have to understand that people go to work for money, not to make friends, unless you are on a position where they can use you to make more money, you are useless to them.

We live in an age where the community has been atomized in the name of efficiency and commerce.

If you’re looking for a place to “fit in” I’d recommend joining a sport, I’ve had luck with martial arts in the past.

Alternatively if you’re religious there’s always the church. It’s not as popular as it once was but there’s few other places I’ve seen in my life that are as tight knit as those.

Some days I feel like video games and other trivial pursuits are just a means to fill the void that’s supposed to be filled by community, identity and purpose.

I'm the complete opposite. The older I get, the less time I will have left. So it just motivates me to play more and more.
This year, I have tried to finish on average 1 game a week. I'm still on schedule and it feels good.

I cant relate since I'm really enjoying FF6 at the moment.
It just sounds like you are depressed tho user.

>all i want is a sense of belonging in a community and helping everyone work to achieve some sort of common goal
men always say this and when an actual humanitarian crisis arises its always women that come to aid through voluntary work.
dont hit me with your statistics autism, it works both ways and there are numerous review articles proving women contribute the majority of voluntary work, especially woth regards to the current war in Ukraine.
I can guarantee if you were given a opportunity to actually help other people through menial means you'd turn it down for being boring, monotonous work which it frequently is.
stfu with "muh male shared experience" you all are to autistic to actually express emotions around each other, let alone share a room with another human being for more than 5 minutes.