You do drink real gamer fuel, right Any Forums?

You do drink real gamer fuel, right Any Forums?

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Alcohol is fucking gross

not an e-celeb board

I’d rather barf diarrhea

American beer is basically water

I had most types of alcohol, and it's ALL disgusting. I will never understand how people can drink that shit daily.

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Coffee is the ultimate gamer fuel. It's pure bliss drinking that first or second cup while gaming in the morning. When I was in my 20s and drank a lot it would probably be a Belgian ale or whisky while gaming.

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Immature person detected

If you don't like:

- Alcohol especially dry red wine
- Blue cheese
- Black coffee
- Mushrooms
- Sencha
- Raw tuna in sushi

Then you basically have the taste buds of a kid.

Go enjoy your chicken tendies and mac'n'cheese


It's an acquired taste, like grapefruits and dark chocolate. I like the bitterness.

I like all of that except alcohol and sencha, the latter of which I have never tasted.

My fav beer of all time I wish I could have again. Devils Backbone from VA, this was such an amazing and tasty beer. The got bought out by China I think and not their beers never taste the same. There was a throwback pack with CW in it but it didn't taste the same at all.

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But of course.

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yes, whiskey.

this is an opioid board

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You're not going to get the validation you crave from me you fucking man child

They also had an amazing brown ale called " Azrael" too. Named after the angel of death. Their artwork and beer I dug a lot. Even re-produced a beer from the medveil times. They aren't the same, watered down, and boring. Also, missing the original brew of my fav beer.

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Also for me it's

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nigga we straight smokin meth on this bitch

Golden ale I mean, but tasted like a brown ale slightly, had some great bitter/sweet mix


youre trying to hard faggot. youve baited no one

>drinking beer

You didn’t actually get drunk

I eat bagels with poppy seeds.

Yeah, I drink water.

metal AF


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Why did James always use Rolling Rock for skits, anyways? It tastes like crap.

do you also eat poop

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Not a bad one either, I ignored them for a while and I was impressed their Island Ale was good too.

You sound like an insecure faggot, and probably underaged.
Here’s a protip:
Once you are an adult, you don’t have to act like one. If you are something, it is self evident.

You're welcome

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It’s just shitty and cheap, perfect for a 20 something something adult character ranting about old games online.

If he were real he’d probably have some shitty call center or IT job

All of those minus mushrooms and maybe tuna provide absolutely no nutritional value and they seem like a weaboo trying way too fucking hard to get into a culture that has shit for food because they barely had meat for thousands of years. I have no fucking clue how nutritional chicken tendies are but I wager they provide much more protein and carbs than any of that retarded cuisine you desperatedly want to value. Showing off if you can call it that makes you look like a retarded nigger honestly

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reads like a facebook post
go back grandpa

I drink whatever I have at hand at that moment.
Btw I tried Rolling Rock years ago, it was great too bad I can't find it anymore.

Why don't you junkies just end yourselves already? Your life will never amount to anything and it only gets worse from here on.

Or he was getting paid for it? Imagine worse, like having to hold and drink a bootyhole fucking Stella.

Modern AVGN is pure soul

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Been playing Elden Ring and drinking some 2Gingers, which is passable, but would not recommend buying it with your own money.

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Serria Nevada always do these of off's, and collabs that are always actually pretty fucking good and interesting.

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For years I've thought Tyrone in this image was wearing a cool headband with Japanese characters on it

Their bourbon and rye are both very good

>Gamer ______
When this bullshit will go away?

Why not alcohol instead?

this, seriously

I want the Gose they brewed with some monks to come back. It came in a wine bottle, with a cork that had wire over the top. It was sour,sweet,citrusy, and I really enjoyed it. Never found a bottle after that, and after asking the dude at Total Wine and him getting back to me, that was an brew by SN and those Monks.

Rolling Rock was pretty good before Anheuser-Busch bought it and closed the original brewery.

Ridiculously good in my opinion. Definitely seems way too cheap of a price for its quality.
But of course I'm not complaining.

i only like mushrooms in gravy. the taste is fine but i fucking hate the texture

I mostly just drink water. I like soda but I rarely drink it anymore. I like milk but I don't drink that much either. It's not deliberate, I just kinda stopped buying them. I'll drink them when I'm buying food from outside but I don't stock up on them. It's just water most of the time.

I like tea too but I can't be bothered to prepare it.

As someone from VA, trust me I hate that fucking company. Did you know most "micro brews" are actually made by big beer companies? It's like hoe Red Stripe is basically Budweiser. Then buying them out, apparently they're owned by someone else now.

Oh, forgot to name one we'll be familiar of. New Belgium, they got bought out by a Japanese Company, Karin.