Elden Ring builds

How are you enjoying your builds? What are the most fun, least fun, easiest, hardest, etc. ways to play? I beat it with a generic quality build, points equally spread out over STR/DEX/VIG/END and was basically a jack of all trades and it worked out very nicely.

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I've tried bleed and magic.
Might try flame melee now.

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Thinking of powerstancing Guts sword and the Ruins Greatsword but I'll have to put in a lot of END just to wear cool armour which sucks. Might just go Eleonora's polearm and be a Sith.


I'm playing a SRG FTH build and it's pretty fun. Swinging around a big ass sword and dragon slayer magic and using lightning/holy buffs cleansing the lands between

A pure STR vagabond with a Lordsworn longsword sword and beast heater shield.
No, it probably isn't the optimal way to play a STR build, but it's working well for me. Finding + 6 stones to upgrade further is a pain though, I can't find them in any mine I go to right now.

Had fun doing int/dex. Will probably do STR/fth next. Hybrid builds just seem great with how much good magic there is.

I'm level 75 and I'm tearing my hair out about how to respec to str/fth. I made it to the city and I don't want to unga bunga anymore.

Might I recommend going quality and and splitting points between STR and DEX? It really opens up your options to a ton of possibilities. FAI is quite underwhelming IMO.

I wasn't planning on pumping str or dex beyond weapon requirements.
Faith has lvl 50 incantations I guess. Vig will have to be at least 30. End will have to be at least 25 maybe 20. Idek how much mind. Did I mention I'm lvl 75?

I did a magic knight (INT scaling weapons, minimal casting) and have had fun with it. I did some memeveil and honestly post-nerf it actually feels fair in PVE.

I want to do an Arcane build but I don't want to be a shithead 2kat bleedtard, is there anything a little less stupid? Mohgwyn spear looks fun but idk how to go about doing a build like that.

I played with dual daggers DEX/ARC, it's working out alright. I often use putrid breath against large groups of enemies and as an opener against bosses, and I use a nightrider flail on horseback and against stuff that are not vulnerable to bleed and cutting.
The Godskin duo is still filtering me though, I only have 35 in VIT so that may be it.

Even single godskins are horrible to deal with at the moment (before the capital, level 80) so fighting two at once is going to be awful, isn't it?

Full dickass thief with two dagger, there's also the Albinauric axe/halberd if you can stand to farm them for the drops.

They're extremely vulnerable to bleed, I shredded the duo on my first encounter, was equipped with claws with bleed AoW.

is it still basically just "scale bleed lol" or is there more to the build than that? Also what's the best class to start for it?


str/int/fth elementalist style build where i have fire/ice/lightning/holy at my disposal with just enough dex to use the antspur rapier for poison/rot melting

its suboptimal stat spreads but flashy as fuck and maybe my favorite build ive made in a souls yet,having a blast with it

It's mostly bleed or abusing the shit out of the dragon incantations and their corresponding sacred seal. The albinauric weapons are pure physical weapons though if you want to avoid that, there's also a straight sword and greatsword that scale off arc that do split physical and magic damage without bleeding.

I don't mind bleed, I just hate the 2kat bloodblade shit everyone seems to do.

The only thing we should be optimizing is fun, and it sounds like you're quite optimal

Oh shit, there's a regular godskin duo? I was talking about an optional boss with two consecutive spirits in a spritcaller's grave. I guess I did not get to the actual godskin duo yet, but if they''re vulnerable to bleed I should be able to deal with them.

I'm thinkingof doing a light roll claw character next
should I new game plus or start a new character?

I've been meaning to do an ultimate caster run of Souls (sorceries, pyromancies, miracles and hexes). Maybe ER is a good one to do it with.

Godskin apostle is a great boss, godskin noble is just a shit boss with awful hitboxes and short tells.

Eleonora's Poleblade looks cool but honestly it's just worse than a normal twinblade. The weapon art is WAY too fucking slow to start and the heavy attacks overcommit without really bringing any advantage over the normal twinblade's ones.

there is a lot more spell variety in Elden Ring so at the very least you'd be flashy. basically each type of spell (sorceries and incantations) has like 4 or so subsets.

noble is way too fast for how fat that piece of shit is. He moves like a black knife.

STR utility tank build.

Fingerprint "Tombstone" Shield with STR-infused Naginata for bleed (while guarding) using Flame of Redmanes Ash to stancebreak.
Petal Whip for more bleed with Hoarfrost Stomp for Frostbite.
Clawmark Seal for Bloodflame Blade, Rotbreath, Beastial incantations, & other low-stat incantations.

Late-game bosses are cancer, so I became the most malignant piece of shit imaginable.

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I want to try a bleed build what's the best weapon for it that isn't RoB?

yeah this is the game to do that on for sure,though i havent fallen in love with the hexes in ER quite yet,everything else has been solid option wise

eleonoras poleblade

The various katanas are obvious choices, but a pair of Reduvias is fun (but too fucking short) - it feels like playing DB in Monster Hunter - or a bloody twinblade is pretty great too.

The nebula weapon arts are really fun to use, they come from the curved sword wings of astel and the flail from the boss remembrance. Never seen anyone else use them, fun for both pve and pvp.

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Trying to find stuff to use in PVP

Are these any good? I've used Boggart's bowling balls with surprising success, but I don't know if the katars or star fists are better.

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>clothes that freezes your save
It's a shame since it looks great on healer characters

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