I miss it's linearity

I miss it's linearity.

Attached: DarkSouls3 (1).jpg (570x400, 56.18K)

u miss dogshit and have a trash opinion

They actually almost fixed DS3 combat in ER with minimal effort.
It is now actually worth it to do more than R1 with the posture system.
Weapon Arts are good now.
Jump Attacks are cool and can used to dodge certain attacks at the same time as attacking.
Only real problem with DS3 combat that persists in ER is that spamrolling is still a thing but even that got weaker with all the roll catch attacks the bosses have.
I dunno guys but seems pretty decent to me.

most of elden ring is linear. its just traditional ds runs sprinkled into an open world.

Shame about the boss fights

But isnt that pretty much every Open World game?
In Skyrim you also spend most time in caves, dungeons, castles or whatever.
The free choice of order in which you tackle or find these is what defines the open world experience.

are the servers still down? was thinking of buying it

zelda kind of just have the big world aside from the 4 beasts

most aaa open world games kind of just have the big world

I don't. DS3 removed anything that made Souls good.
Aside from the bosses, I'll give it that.

the only hope is for a bloodborne 2, or spiritual successor. ER sales = no more dark souls level design unless its sold as a type of spin-off.

Maybe. I think the part about DS that OP "misses" is still there, is what I'm saying. When underground you cant fast travel, you still have the motivation/stress of not getting through the section.

problem is most of the underground sections have chalice dungeon syndrome and feel generated/repetitive.

DS3 still has R1 spam issues, but the linearity does make for a more cohesive experience.

stfu snoitranny

i would hope that bloodborne 2 has a different title and is multiplatform since i dont have a console

i don't. quite possibly the only thing elden ring does better.

you are a brain damaged retard

It has by far the worst environments

"It's" is short for "it is". It's not a possessive. "Its" is the proper form.

Thank science someone here is literate. Have an updoot.

skyrim scales dungeons with your player