Post disturbing vidya moments

Post disturbing vidya moments

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>this made boomers shit and piss their pants

How was I supposed to know I had to pray?

You're supposed to exhaust all your options and then use pray out of desperation.

Fucking kill yourself you fucking faggot

It hurts, Bryan...

dumb wojakposter


what is this from?

no one tell him

>dumb wojakposter

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what why??

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Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness, Ness...

Giygas is still one of the coolest bosses I have ever seen in a videogame

Oh, that trash.

Pretty much, yeah. Grotesque, alien monstrosity disfigured by an intense loathing so powerful that it's form and attacks defy human comprehension.

nobody tell him

I won't.


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I love how cartoony most of the games is to contrast it too. Then suddenly you're walking on intestines.

It's called tubgirl. Google it.

>mfw know you meme saved me from trauma
nice try lol

Jesus fucking christ

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It's actually from Final Fantasy 3, you get this boss if you save the dragon.


Literally my blind run
>pray out of desperation
Is just epic
The whole game is not that interesting, but that final battle makes it worth it

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Fuck that, I was supposed to save it? Now you tell me??? Now I got to start all over and leave that bitch behind so I can go in the caves and into the castle. (those bats suck lmao)

bat titties were the only good parts of that cave, the rest is shit

Did anyone beat the Diamond Weapon in the cave? (The one in the mountain not the one that leads to the castle.)