The map in Elden Ring is so generic and empty …

>the map in Elden Ring is so generic and empty …

Only people who never played it can seriously say this.

Attached: 4ECB066C-7D61-49AF-8C7F-ADA958C85711.jpg (640x424, 139.92K)

Wow... fempty felds of different colored grass!! So kino...

your field will never be a woman

>muh gwafix

It's not even graphics, it's art direction. Which is 1000000x better than ray tracing.

the ones on the right are dark souls 3 you tranny

The art direction is exactly the same you faggot. Muddy with ugly ass color filters.

Zero taste: the post

You're defending Elden Ring's art direction buddy, your taste is abysmal.

You havent played it. You literally can't ride 20 seconds without finding a whole dungeon.
Its the most content dense open world game of all time.

By what definition? Do you need a character interaction every five steps or something? Even Super Mario 64 is empty by your standards and those are closed off, kinda linear levels.

same church in every area. same crypt/dungeon in every area. same broken down runes in every single area. same jutting rock formations. same series of random coffins with rune pick ups. same graveyard things. its the same shit in every place with some reskinned trees or bushes.

He is right, and you have dogshit taste. Elden Ring has 10/10 art direction.

Attached: Elden Kino.jpg (6240x4914, 2.92M)

I see no 10/10 there, ltierally genshin impact screencaps of flashy lights

>same crypt/dungeon in every area
and by this surely you mean that every single side dungeon in the game has completely unique, top tier level design? Because they do
There most certainly are not two similar dungeons anywhere.

And which open games dont have some stock standard buildings?

Why are tendies so mad about GOTY? Is it because BOTW2 got mogged?

So you just have awful taste. Got it.

who are you quoting

Nah you have the taste of a 11 years old that gets impresed with some neon lights

They are seething because they can see ER is the game of the decade just like DS1 was last decade. They're fuming mad that FromSoft wins every decade, instead of their daddy corporation that they have vowed to suck off for eternity.

>There most certainly are not two similar dungeons anywhere.
Is this bait? Almost every catacomb that i've come across is a corridor full of tiny gargoyles where you need to unlock the with tiny gargoyles in it with what are basically joke bosses at the end of them. Saying they're all the exact same 1:1 copy is one thing, but rying to claim they aren't "similar" is completely delusional.

>so much grass
>it’s non-interactive and doesn’t displace dynamically when my character walks over it
>i just move through it weightlessly
imagine being a fromsoft graphic artist and not bothering to implement this basic fucking feature. this “game” is soulless trash.

>dude muddy visuals with ugly ass color filters
You literally have SHIT taste. ER has some cool environments but they generally look awful.

Show me what you would consider a 10 please.


Attached: 1647572508579.gif (384x400, 453.88K)

We were not talking of the lighting. We were talking of the art direction and design, which is 10/10 in the game.
Not only do you have trash taste but you're retarded, it seems. Must be a Nintentoddler.

The same compilations for BOTW or Xenoblade look better. No one makes them for non-weeb games but tons of those would look better too.

>grass is now reddit
reddit really did win, huh

>mt gelmir
Looks great from outside, once you enter the area and leave the cliff its just limgrave with more rocks
>altus plateau
Limgrave but Piss piss piss
>mountaintops of giants
2011 korean mmo tier
Genshin impact

>there are even much better scenery where you just stand there and enjoy your surrounding
>literally everything is open world with zero loading screens (looking at Zelda where everything had an artificial teleport if something more than empty landscape happened)
>the boss fights are god tier (if you like the gameplay)

Elden Ring is a masterpiece and makes even Assassin's Creed games look like fast food toys.

They all have entirely unique level design. Therefore they are not the same dungeons. At all.
Stop being a moron.
Damn, must have the most amazing immersion and art direction of game history since I didnt notice in 150 hours that the grass doesn't move when the player walks onto it. Theres just so much gorgeous things to see everyone the player won't even notice that. Brilliant.
You literally have DOGSHIT taste. ER not only has cool environments but they look absolutely incredible.

Xenoblade I can see but BOTW looks like trash, get real.

You're literally a seething drone if you defend how god awful the art direction is.

These seething babies with their made up copes are definitely seething Horizon fans, which is ironic since that games entire open world is just one flat green field.

Elden ring is literally genshin impact with lower bright and higher contrast lol

You are literally a seething drone if you deny how god tier amazing the art direction is.

what a retarded thing to say user, now post "I was joking"

Attached: 1647460225258.jpg (1095x1240, 213.38K)

Name 1 (one) fantastic game that doesn't have generic locations.

Attached: stop.jpg (800x450, 247.93K)

I'm just telling the truth. You posted one of these pretentious pics and the BOTW variants look miles better. Fundamentally ER is ugly, like it literally tries to be ugly using bland LUTs for various areas, and desaturated textures. And the textures themselves are almost always ugly.

The inspiration in the areas is really cool and it has volumetric fog but that doesn't really put it above other games like BOTW. BOTW has those things too and its colors aren't hideous.

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