Any Forums has already turned on it

>Any Forums has already turned on it
Is this just another case of 'popular bad' or has From simply forgotten what made their earlier games so good?

Attached: Elden_Ring.jpg (1280x720, 78.9K)

>or has From simply forgotten what made their earlier games so good?
Elden Ring truly proved that FromSoftware is incapable of comprehending what their true fans enjoyed about their soulsborne games. The pattern is clear now more than ever, any FromSoftware project that has Yui Tanimura involved in anyway, will be either mediocre or garbage. Hidetaka Miyazaki said that with Elden Ring "he had to delegate things to others more than usual" and it shows. Elden Ring is not a good soulsborne game, it is one of the worst, if not the worst:
>Open world causes a lot of padding and time wasting by just running around on your mount looking for the good parts.
>Open world forced them to add a mount and thus mounted combat, which is far inferior to the traditional unmounted combat. Even FromSoftware understood this and disabled mounts in multi-player.
>Open world ruins the traditional progression of difficulty in zones and especially boss fights, the bosses are either too hard because you are underleveld or too easy because you are overleveld, it is an unrefined and unfocused mediocre experience.
>Spirit ashe summon system casualizes the entire game, it is literally an EASY MODE that completely breaks the game and boss AI. Some of the spirit ashe summons at +10 (mimic/tiche/oleg) can solo bosses with you just standing there and watching, doing nothing else. Unlike traditional summons, spirit ashe summons do not give the boss a boost in HP and stats.

Elden Ring outsold all previous FromSoftware soulsborne games COMBINED, it is literally over for FromSoftware ARPGs as we know them. All future ARPG projects by FromSoftware will feature an open world of some sort.

Attached: FromSoftware Teams.png (2130x2076, 774.98K)

I didn't mind how its combat is pretty similar to ds3 after we had Sekiro like i thought i would.
I expected the story to be told better this time or for the setting to be different. The setting isn't bad by any means but somehow it felt like i've already been there.
The combination of these 2 things had me go from excited to whatever really quickly. Not a bad game by any means though.

discord trannies are not Any Forums

>Tanimura can't make a good ga-

Attached: Fume Knight SL1.webm (747x420, 2.83M)

>He thinks discord raids spamming threads is some sort of consensus
How gullible

He's gundyr tier

Explain DaS2 and ER, then.

It's both. Any Forums is full of autistic retards who think gaming was an obscure hobby because they got bullied for being mallgoths after Columbine.

They thought it was good because they're either disgruntled Twilight Princess fans or desperately want to relive the feeling of some retarded kid playing a CRPG that he was way too young for.

it stems from fromfags being the most insufferable faggots in the world right now and elden ring barely being a 8/10

Fume Knight is shit. The only difficult thing about him is his broken, lingering hitboxes. He has no unique mechanics or special attacks that make him good. If his hitboxes worked you would have to try to get damaged by him. His attacks are slow and have massive tells. But his swords will hit you while you are behind him, so that's cool I guess.

It's a discord tranny raid. Someone post the caps.

Attached: Take your meds.gif (480x480, 130.32K)

The honeymoon period is ending and people are seeing past the sheen at what is a pretty subpar game.

>*repeats MatthewMatosis opinion*

Attached: file.png (371x371, 66.36K)

not a souls game

it's the zelda effect
people always will hate the latest game until the next one comes out
everybody was shitting on ds3 for years before elden ring, now ds3 is based and SOUL and elden ring is apparently bad

Any Forums is retarded. It’s an excellent game with some weird pacing and balancing issues near the end, just like every other From game. People are either getting filtered or just can’t stand the fact it doesn’t play exactly like DS1

>posted 1 minute apart

I've loved it up to Leyndell, game was an easy 9/10 for me

But holy shit post Leyndell is a slog to get through and ruined the game for me. It just feels like you're fighting bullshit after bullshit and all the copy pasting of enemies by that point is too much to handle. Every enemy just seems to have excessive HP and take out half my hp bar with a single hit.

Attached: 1647641996617.png (600x568, 299.8K)

Kek that ready made wall of text seethe waiting for a thread like this
You didn't type that shit in 1 and half minutes as a reply to OP

ER is better than vast majority of their earlier Soulslike games.
Any Forums are shitters that can't beat even moderately challenging games, nothing new here, Any Forums was seething its ass off about Souls games too, did you forget?

The open world is shit

Its not the games fault if you forced yourself to 100% every area if you didnt like doing it. I enjoyed doing that. You could have just quickly gone to the top of the mountains and killed the Fire Giant, and boom now you're in a god tier area again: Farum Azula. Literally one of the best areas in the game.

It's not good. I like FROM games and I likely won't finish this. It's just boring and tedious.