What makes her attractive?

What makes her attractive?

Attached: 1.jpg (1120x1600, 163.03K)

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her femdom vibe

she's an African queen without the melanin

He's a bottom.

egyptian girls are so good

Attached: bi.jpg (1600x900, 448.51K)

That pout and haircut.

Cat tats

Snooty cat who could easily own your cock.

OH MY GOD IS THAT... THE HECKIN' CURSED TIKTOK MEME CAT??? *swings hips back and forth as Camel by Camel starts playing*

god I hate tiktok



Cuteness and shortstack = i'm gonna splooge

A cat is fine too. Very fine.

toxoplasmosis forces humanity to be furry for all things cats

egyptian aesthetics are peak female sexiness kino. which means we figured it out thousands and thousands of years ago and never needed to change anything

Idgaf abbout the cat, but that song is really good


Egyptian style
Big eyes with makeup
Nice haircut
Nice dress
Wide hips
Good legs
Shoulders smaller than hips
Barefoot if you're into that
Probably has a nice ass

>wide hips
>bob cut
>yellow skin
>pedo bait

he's right.

VNs aren't games

How's Animal Crossing a VN you retarded jungle nigger

Expressionless face during mating