Fromsoft games are not difficult

No matter how much you want to feel superior for playing a game you think is hard. They are not hard games. They revolve around learning and memorising. This is NOT difficult. The same way memorising answers for a test is NOT difficult.

Multiplayer games are the only games that have actual difficulty. Learning and then applying against an opponent who can do anything at any given time.

This is my first Souls game and was expecting some hair pulling difficulty but once you learn it the game is extremely easy. It’s evident from Margit - Morgott. Margit was a stupidly hard boss. Morgott was a stupidly easy boss despite a different move set. Once you learn what the game has there is no difficulty. Same with any other single player game.

Attached: FFB1DACE-2160-4313-AA4D-5202E03A2197.jpg (1280x720, 161.48K)

who asked?

Your fat mom, Cos she’s a slut.

>They revolve around learning and memorising
Haha what?

Attached: what does this boss even do.webm (640x360, 2.7M)

No matter how much you want to feel superior for designing a nuclear missile. They are not hard missiles to make. They revolve around learning and memorizing. This is NOT difficult. The same way memorizing answers for a test is NOT difficult.

Literally any game can be learned and memorised you contrarian dipshit.

What a midwit fucking post.
First you state:
>They revolve around learning and memorising.
Which is true, and then:
>Learning and then applying against an opponent who can do anything at any given time
You fail to see that humans are also predictable, maybe even moreso than AI at times. We don't do anything at any given time; we try do do what's best for any given situation, and good players will know what's best for us to do in any given situation.
In games, we have a limited skillset provided to us by our character, and all of our actions usually have counters.
If your opponent jumps towards you in Street Fighter, the best course of action is to Shoryuken (for the most part). This does not differ from Elden Ring, in that there are optimal ways to dodge attacks to maximize damage.
Sometimes, we'll mix things up, and do things that might not be technically optimal in an effort to surprise our opponent. Elden Ring tries to replicate this to an extent by having branching routes for bosses' attacks.
What I'm saying is, that the same skills being tested for in multiplayer games are also being tested in Elden Ring.
At the end, you write:
>once you learn it the game is extremely easy
Same as literally every other single activity then, holy fuck. I am not saying that Elden Ring is the pinnacle of difficult games but you are acting as if most video games usually come down to the same things, learning and applying.
The reason why multiplayer games are for the most part harder than singleplayer games is not because they test different skills, but because there are more factors at play and more things you need to have memorized.
In Counter-Strike, you need to keep track of where your team is, where the enemy team's players are, what weapons they potentially might be carrying, planning ahead to counter these weapons, where they could potentially attack from, and so on. In Elden Ring, you have to keep track of one guy in a large open arena.

Imagine writting a essay tha tlong to pretend your trash game is le difficult lmao.

They’re not memorization games. Try routing R-Type or something if you want that.

I don't even like Elden Ring

Is Nioh or Sekiro difficult?


brother. you cannot tell me it's harder to complete a no hit run of elden ring than to let's a lan tournament in CS.

Online games constantly have changing metas. new strategies. AI is limited. There are only X number of moves a boss in Elden Ring can do.

Nah man I agree with you, multiplayer games are harder, but not for the reasons OP is stating. His whole point is that learning singleplayer games is fundamentally different from learning multiplayer games, which is categorically wrong
All games become easier as you play more of them

You're entire post can be biggest down to
>From games are not hard because AI is limited
Which can be applied to any difficult action game.

so why have people been saying this game is so difficult? it basically feels like any past RPG cranked up to hard mode.

same basic mechanic. wait, wait, wait, strike, wait, wait. every hard mode of every game has this exact same formula. even hard mode on CoD. They're not difficult. just tedious and slow.

this is cope, learning and memorizing are the fundamental aspects of literally any skill. multiplayer games that take skill all need learning and memorization, if your opponent has better macro and micro than you at starcraft, you can try all the mindgames you want you will get demolished by their hundreds of hours of practice

you can't win a lan tournament in cs without thousands of hours of practice and memorization though, there is always something to learn, but you still have to learn and memorize it

>video games

nice low iq tantrum

you are retarded and stupid and don't understand OP.

single player games are not difficult. END OF. they have limited number of mechanics to learn and will always do the same thing again and again. AI is not that smart yet.

Fun and immersive. Yes. Difficult. NO. It's like comparing playing tennis against a wall with funky angles compared to playing against another player.

you have literally sub 50 iq
if you have to learn the mechanics, then they are difficult retard, it doesnt matter if that number of mechanics is limited, you still have to learn it, anything that is difficult becomes easier once you get good at it, this is basic logic, that doesnt mean that the initial difficulty curve doesnt exist

>rote memorisation is difficult

ok. i just know you are stupid.

if you need learning and memorization to do something, then yes it is by definition difficult.
memorization is the fundamental part of learning any difficult skill and you have to be retarded to not understand that. someone who memorized muscle memory of macro and build orders in starcraft will always be better than someone who didnt

>single player games are not difficult. END OF

Provide proof to back up this hypothesis or fuck off forever.