Let's talk about Final Fantasy Chaos. Is it a good game?

Let's talk about Final Fantasy Chaos. Is it a good game?


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The gameplay is a hectic fucking mess, but it's so damn fun. The plot is dog shit though. Depends on the weight you give to story in your games I guess.

Game is fun. I'm up to lich now. The bosses so far have been good, tiamat was a bit fucky tho. Berserker is the best class

You'd buy it for gameplay only. Just YT the story

Are there difficulty settings? asking for a friend.

God I just spent nearly an hour trying to beat Tiamat. Had to memorize all that bitches attacks and play it safe before I was able to win.

I heard samurai was the best

Yes. There's a Story Mode difficulty with Casual Mode to make it even easier, and it goes up to Hard. Beating the game gets you an even harder difficulty called CHAOS.

For me it's mage

The story goes 10k% kino at the end though.
It's sorta meh for most of the game, if amusing for all of Jack's lines, but ho boy the fuckin last quarter of the game fuckin rules.

>the end

Uh what the fuck. Did this game not JUST release today? people finished it already? what the fuck is it a 15 hour story? is it fully linear? no exploration or side content?

It's been out a week almost

If you bought digitally on consoles, you could start playing on the 15th, PC got it on the 17th. In addition, the demo for consoles let you play the first 3 missions and transfer your save and was out on like the 9th. Game took me about 30 hours on Hard, doing all the side missions and doing some minor grinding to unlock all the jobs.

Especially since I'm really only finding enemies with weaknesses to an element or striking damage.

I've yet to find an enemy weak to slash or pierce.

>what the fuck is it a 15 hour story?
More or less yeah, unless you're doing ALL of the side missions

Fuck Chaos

But Jack you are chaos

i think the story is really good, much better than the classic trite ff bullshit

Dude no, it is classic trite ff bullshit
That's the fucking point of this game
What makes this story fun though is that it doesn't take itself so goddamn seriously which leads not only to some goddamn hilariously badass scenes and Chaos memes, but also some goddamn kino like My Way
But man, is it trite ff bullshit all the way through.

It's a good game

You should hate it for being so weak in the year 2022, low standards should never be accepted ..............EVER!