Better story than ever western game in the last decade

>Better story than ever western game in the last decade.
>Better than every other garbage gacha in the last 5 years.
>All for free.
Why aren't you playing Genshin come join us on /gig/

Attached: 83673.jpg (2064x2832, 2.97M)

sex with hutao

fuck off chink


You did finish abyss right?

Attached: easy.jpg (700x518, 102.29K)

Because it's a gacha

>censored chink garbage

>good story
You're not even trying Zhang

>Better story than
stopped reading but that hu tao is cute, so I will still reply



Vidya butts thread

Attached: 11283.jpg (975x689, 133.62K)

JANNY is going to freak ..

It's a nice game but the daily login sucks. When I've beat all the current content forcing me to login everyday for primos when I'm bored with the game and there is nothing to do is going to be the reason I quit in another month or two.
Doing this crap for 4 months to get a new character is not fun and if it's intended to be this way so you pay 200$ for a new character then that's why this nice game will never be a great game.

shit rates shit rewards repetitive gameplay and the characters arent that appealing to meonly redeeming quality is pity

i was AR 155 then stopped when the klee weapon came out cause i just couldnt be fucked to play this chore of a game anymore

Genshit is easily the worst big chink gacha storywise besides AL
Absolutely abysmal pacing with patch story chapters that look like movie trailers out of context, completely jumped the shark with Inazuma's main story that sucks a dog fart compared to random world quests


Attached: 85334865_p0.png (1948x1897, 2.59M)

This is easiest rotation since last summer, so plenty of people got their 1st 36* this time.

The fact that 90% of the shit ive ever seen from this game is coomer bait tells me you are lying.

Attached: whydad.png (588x409, 189.04K)

you're not wrong Any Forums only posts pics of lewd fanart never gameplay and when you check the game out it's completely censored there used to be lewd mods but those were quickly banned
but me stating the obvious won't change anything there will be another 20 lewd fanart threads this weekend

>Better story than ever western game in the last decade
that's not really much of a feat

Nice Fish butt