IRL Vidya bosses

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I like to think of myself as a sex deviant but then I see shit like this and makes me feel like my kinks are nothing compared to what fucked up shit these people are into

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The actor who played Ghidorah really fell on hard times during the years he didn't get to play the part.

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I kinda like it. It looks like the machine elves I see in my visions, only gayer.

god I look at a fursuit and I don't even feel anything anymore. no disgust, no revulsion, just "hmm". am I dead inside now

You know some fag bought this for over $1,000 either with their parents money or from their six figure salary job. Why does it seem like furries are either filthy rich or leech off their parents?

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Is there a full video of this?


Man, why has nobody ever shot up a furry convention m? Why does it always have to be a school shooting for fuck’s sake?

>"There's no need to fur-reak out!"
>"Let's see if you can "pride" your time!"
>"Looks like someone's being... knotty!"

Why would someone shoot at their own kind user?

did emma get a new allias?


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Hang yourself glownigger.

I don't have it saved, but some gay furries let someone stay in their house and they got tired of him being a free-loader and kicked him out, then a swat team showed up and attacked them because the furry they kicked out was sharing CP on their Wifi.

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That's chump change. It probably cost the individual who bought this ~$6,500.

Not him but yiff in hell nigger.

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>"You call that an attack?! That was a-paw-ling!"
>"I'll finish this in a "yiffy"!"
>"I'm in the z-owo-ne!"

a few years ago i'd look at a picture like that and feel disgusted, but at this point im just happy for these people. most of them are clearly special needs (lad in the tripp pants is doing that sperg hand thing, weird looking downing in the front, etc) so the fact that they're socialized, even if it is with a bunch of fucking weirdos, is just nice to see honestly. good for them.

>Tfw you go on VRchat

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Why did they bring in a swat team for that

Because it's Texas.