How do you git gud? i love the live action kino at the beginning and want more but i keep getting my shit kicked in

how do you git gud? i love the live action kino at the beginning and want more but i keep getting my shit kicked in

Attached: re-dogs.jpg (540x405, 31.14K)

What exactly are you having trouble with?
And before you reply, lemme tell you that I beat this game when I was literally 9 years old. And I'm an ESL-fag to boot.

Avoid enemies when it's easy and kill the ones that are in inconvenient spots. There's 100% enough ammo in the game to kill every enemy

resource management is key
take advantage of the AI
you don't have to kill everything even some boss fights are skippable

Attached: statue re.webm (960x720, 2.77M)

Don't hurt the spiders. We just want to be left alone.

Attached: spiders.webm (960x540, 254.8K)

I'd say try and memories enemies placements and squeeze yourself through them. Also save shotgun ammo for the later part of the game. If you're playing the version of the game without autoaim I suggest giving up since it's inherently unfair.

>If you're playing the version of the game without autoaim I suggest giving up since it's inherently unfair.
lmao get a load of this fag. The original PS1 and Saturn releases are the true RE1.

that's only for the US releases and the reason for no autoaim is because they want to add artificial difficulty to deter game renting

Wait till you get to Dino Crisis and every enemy is a Licker

it wasnt so bad after i began killing everything in my path lmao
so much handgun ammo it didnt matter

Take solace in the fact that it gets worse

Attached: 1640169104469.jpg (220x311, 28.11K)

Dino Crisis isn't that hard. The game actually despawns enemies at certain moments.

The US version is closer to the intended difficulty they were shooting for. Autoaim doesn't even exist in the mid-Feb 1996 builds. They just watered it down for the pussy Jap audience at the last minute.

The hardest part is the beginning of the game where you have low ammo. If you investigate your STARS buddy who's getting munched on early, you can find 2x15 9mm ammo. Those 30 rounds really help out in the early game.

Jill is Easy Mode (and this is labeled as such in the JP version). She intentionally has a whole new weapon and a side kick who will save you from death. Play Chris to get the real experience and play mostly blind.

Attached: ending screens.jpg (1024x382, 99.98K)

Use the shotgun to headshot enemies. Aim up as they get close. This saves a lot of ammo.

I really wish they would have kept the ammo system from the demo version. It doesn't stack so you have to decide if you really want to take a spare magazine or two instead of just piling 200 handgun rounds into a single slot.

so glad Any Forumstards aren't game designer

>Aim up as they get close
Funny thing I only found out recently is that you don't actually have to aim up in RE1. If a zombie is close enough for a headshot your character will automatically point it at their dome and decapitate them.

It's simple. Play on an emulator and use savestates

Barry. Where's Barry?

>If a zombie is close enough for a headshot your character will automatically point it at their dome and decapitate them.

wait, that literally does not happen though.

Why are zoom zooms so fucking bad at games?


Try it for yourself. You might get a little extra distance from aiming up but it happens automatically at point blank range.