Honestly, they should patch out the second Astel in that random catacombs. It kills the lore for me...

Honestly, they should patch out the second Astel in that random catacombs. It kills the lore for me. I want to believe that all catacombs and side areas are canon, but having two Astels is too much suspension of disbelief. Also, Godefroy's model should be changed to have all the grafted parts removed. Godfrey is specific to being a degenerate fuck that grafts shit to his body. I'm fine with Godefroy being a copypaste, but having him be Grafted also is another weird suspension of disbelief.

Attached: Elden-Ring-astel-naturalborn-of-the-void-boss-guide-secret-boss-lake-of-rot-1.jpg (1920x1080, 258.9K)

The worst part is when they actually make up lore to justify the inclusion of more than one of the same boss

i don't give a shit about what you said, but the only reason they did that was for padding, since its open world.

Its a 4 dimensional being in a 3 dimensional world, bitch

Half the main bosses you fight in this game are projections/replicas, not that big a leap to find a second astel.
It's the same mindset that had you fighting infinite Vacuous Roms in Chalice Dungeons, I doubt they're going to get any more effort than they already have.

Imagine if they threw another Sif in the demon ruins, the equivalent of that happens in ER multiple times. From has lost their touch.

>godfrey is one of the best bosses of the game
>make you fight a piss colored version of him that spoils half his phase 1 moveset and is easy a fuck completely killing the first time experience of fighting his true form
Why did they do it?

You're a retard that completely missed al of the lore. Imagine complaining about godefroy being grafted. Did you somehow miss the gigantic lion that Godfrey had grafted onto him? All of Godfrey's lineage are grafters.
Astel is just a fallingstar beast that has matured enough, you find various levels of growth of the same monster all over the world.

I think it's funny that they tried to shove Godrick's reskin into canon, like at least they TRIED
But Astel 2.0 is so fucking odd, there's literally no reason it had to be him specifically and the game never aknowledges him just hanging out in a random mineshaft

Where is this so I can avoid it

>Astel is just a fallingstar beast that has matured enough
Demonstrably untrue. Astel is a specific ayy lmao that destroyed Nokrom. I'm fine with a reskin, at least give him a different name and a reason for being in some random ass catacombs. Astel literally destroyed Nokrom and is sitting there for a reason. Astel 2 is buried in some random ass catacombs as a boss with no explanation.

Mandatory boss near the end of the capital. Sorry, no avoiding it gaijin.

You can't avoid it, it's critical path.

The fuck?

SeeDon't be stupid.

Astel means splinter in french. theyre shards of the void

i ran past him on torrent, you guys are lying. ii didn't even see him

The gold boss. That's required to open up the path to Morgott, who's required to open up the path to the Fire Giant. Not some fucking field boss, retard.

isn't astel essentially the same creatura as these black monsters hanging from the ceiling and shooting gravity magic at you in incel river? mitsubishi san does it again, what a genius

What about the vertical astels that shoot rocks at you? Did those ruin your lore too user?

Why would you think that Astel is a one of a kind species? He's literally called "Naturalborn of the Void", and there are three Fallingstar Beasts and multiple Onyx/Alabaster Lords that also fell from the heavens to the Lands Between. These lands are the stomping grounds for numerous cosmic entities, and humans get a chance to claim names for themselves by felling them.

You are retarded. You encounter a full-grown fallingstar beast that isn't an Astel look-alike. How hard is it to comprehend that they could be related but not the same thing?