FromSoft isn't normiecor-

>FromSoft isn't normiecor-

Attached: normalshit.png (586x578, 469.51K)

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>A celebrity posted about game, therefore GAME BAD
Post your favorite game right now

Of course they are. Look at this thread of soulsfags being normalfag redditors

grimes is based

why is there so little porn of the hottest giantess in vidya history?

she's dating a tranny

elon musk ?

it's been normiecore since dark souls do you not remember the le prepare to die meme everywhere?

Extremely based

even baseder

It has been a normie company since bloodbourne
Sony literally banked on it as the main exclusive game to push ps4 into early adopters, if that was not a normie telltale sign I don't know what is


They broke up

Attached: grimes pronouns.png (853x955, 442.28K)


No shit. Ever since the huge marketing campaign for Dark Souls it's been normalfag shit.

Wanna know what else is normiecore?

Attached: 1641063571393.png (606x594, 230.85K)

Yeah nothing more based than a sell out jew with a mustache

so quirky she hates her best, most straightforward song. sad.
but honestly, I kind of like her.

Normalfag. You fucking normalfags.

>started dating a troon after this
she has the mind of a defiant teenage girl rebelling against her daddy


wtf is "normiecore"? not being a degenerate loser? i love how you all put some kind of negative name to being a well adjusted individual. really says alot about you

>popular... BAD
Get a real personality faggot.

I like Elon, but he has terrible taste in women. Before Grimes he had a brief thing with Amber Heard too.

Normies are degenerate losers

get a load of this seething normie

Attached: 0012.jpg (3334x4313, 738.31K)

>a well adjusted individual
She married a sociopath, acts like a teenage girl while being in her late thirties and named her kid beep boop bop

whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.

Who is he dating now?

Nice try, I only get my water from esoteric foods from Southeast Asia

Normalfags get very butt hurt when you call them so. Fuck I’d rather be a normalfag then a broke, friendless virgin.

i grew out of being an edgy loser. sorry that you can't

Glasses, hope you know that based people drink from the source


Nobody to my knowledge. Probably why he changed his profile picture to this instead of his usual goofy images.

Attached: foUrqiEw_400x400.jpg (381x381, 22.15K)

literally the physical manifestation of reddit, amazing

normies drink soda, faggot. only athletes and weirdos drink water

He already has six little blonde blue eyed aryans

To be fair when you're that rich, your only options are golddiggers.

Then leave and browse boards for mentally well adjusted individuals

i have no idea who or what you are talking about. im talking about using the word at all. its the biggest cope ever
>"its the normal people that are losers, not me!"
thats how you sound.
inb4 someone calls me a tranny. literal npc responses

They are always normiecore when the game has just come out. But guess what normies do? They stop playing pretty quickly. Either they beat the game or they give up and then they are done. Then the only people left are the real fans making new builds and such.

I used to think I wasn't and mistakenly thought normie was npc shit, but it's really anything less than basement dwelling autist or schizo degenerate shit around here. no thanks.

if someone called me normal i would be happy about it. do you honestly think someone that isnt a 16 year old redditor is going to care?

Shit son if people often call you a tranny that says more about you than them.

Musk bums me the fuck out.
Imagine being literally the richest man in the world, and still being chained to social media.
Imagine having enough money to do anything you wanted, and you spent it on Any Forums.

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