Eating poop is... LE BAD

Eating poop is... LE BAD

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eating poop is a metaphor for gayness

Why the fuck was his body seperated from his spirit?
Why didn't he know who the fuck you were after meeting him in the roundtable?

>I must eat more, i must defile mor-ACK

I see this image spammed but I don't get it

why is le posting even allowed

whats wrong sweetie you've hardly touched your feces

wonder how this scene is translated in germany

>loses to you so hard he dissociates and believes you're him and he's your victim
how can you not love this retard

if you suffered as much as he did, you'd want others to suffer too

because it's.... le funny

The dev of the game thought about eating poop enough to make this character. I want you to reflect on that next time you launch it.

>So based he ushers in his own new age by the sheer amount of degeneracy he exudes that it even corrupts the elden ring
The true chad of the game.

Attached: Dung Eater.png (873x1077, 1.16M)

Just ask Any Forums, they're swallowing shit 24/7

>implying its not another creation of the genius mind of GRRM

im in the capital how do i continue shit eater questline

because it makes you LE MAD

>Zanzishart... forgive me....

Fucking kek

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I wish his quest was more complex and interesting. Imagine being recruited by him to force-feed NPCs a dung item, creating an army of shit-eating minions to defile the Erdtree. But nope, go collect some dinguses and have a copy-pasted ending. Bullshit.