What went wrong?

Played this for 2 hours before dropping it.
Linear as fuck. Its ATB combat isn't fun. Retarded story. Unlikable animu side characters.

Attached: ff13.jpg (1920x1080, 367.94K)

It's a shit game.
And the worst mainline Final Fantasy game ever made.


Just trow away that shit

FFXV is ten times worse than XIII.
XIII actually has a well developed cast with genuine character arcs.

I dropped it at chapter 10 in 2009. I picked it back up for a replay last year and dropped it again right before the final boss fight. So boring, terrible dialogue, the story goes nowhere and a lot of the writing feels like it was translated by Google. The game also never got fun. I kept playing because people memed for 10+ years about how it "gets better" and "opens up" and it's all a lie.

The game is great, you have bad taste user


It's good, both gameplaywise and storywise. Pay attention next time.

The worst mainline FF game is actually XIV 1.0 before the reboot, but I'd argue XV is better than XIII mostly due the fact you do very little in XIII aside from battle and moving forward. Even the leveling system in XIII had almost zero meaning. It could've been automated rather than making you manually dealing with it. The weapon upgrade system was similar with its upgrades. It was just so barebones.

I prefer XV with its open world, small distractions like fishing or chocobo racing or choosing which meals/buffs to get during camps and being half finished to XIII's limited and streamlined experience. I still liked XIII a lot when I played it though and wished they hadn't had to rush the game in under 18 months to get it out on two platforms. The world had a lot going for it and the gameplay elements like the battle system just needed a big more to get them really good. Well, the same could be said of XV. It's sadly been the state of big AAA FF games for the past 10 years.

At least, FFXIV and FF7R have shown SE has started to learn how to make AAA FF games again even if one is an MMO and the other has plenty of issues itself imo. Despite that, it's hard to argue they've haven't gotten better in recent years and with all the money XIV is bringing in, here's hoping XVI will be even better.

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Lol the google translated dialogue is not good. At all. Nothing to do with "paying attention" especially when most of the cutscenes are 2-5 min of garbage dialogue, shorter than the shittiest zoomer youtube videos.

This is good dialogue to FF13 retards:
>Lightning: Talk to your dad.
>Hope: What? Why?
>Lightning: Fighting without hope is no way to live. It's just a way to die. I want you to find the hope you were named for. Staying alive, I can help you with. But I can't-I can't give you hope.

I played it in Japanese a while ago and thought it wasn't that bad. The beginning is terrible, but the combat is great once it stops being braindead. Some fun times later down the timesink.
XIII-2 is okay, too, even if a bit too easy and Lightning Returns is an action RPG masterpiece desu

I just installed Lighting Returns. Should I use a guide because timer and JRPG?

Sovlful dialogue


>Fighting without hope is no way to live. It's just a way to die

I used cheat engine to freeze the clock. Most people seem to say you'll have plenty of time, though.

Top 5 in my FF collection and I've played most of mainline. Weird how people go goo goo gaga over FF7R.

You're fuckin high. I'm not crazy about boy and road trip sim, but it's only true crime is being a baby game with little flavor of outside of fishing and dialogue. 13 fucking sucks by every metric

XIII has
>inventive battle system
>best art style of any FF
>fun side content
>great music
>silly story
>annoying characters
>game takes too long to open up/take off training wheels
so why do people hate it so much based on these last two flaws? these aren't exclusive to just FFXIII, X has the same issues

>Silly story
>Annoying characters
It was only Lightning for me that was just so inconsistent. Everyone else was great. Lightning flip flops between bitch to not a bitch to bitch to not a bitch I swear she's on her period. THIS is the director's waifu? Why did he write her like trash? Story is fine thought it was one of the most interesting ones and doesn't end like a wet noodle like XII does.

It is dogshit, it is truly almost frightening to me that there are people living among us who played this absolute piss-stain and think it was good. I decided to get the platinum trophy for all mainline Final Fantasy games, I can tell you, decisively, that at no point does this garbage heap get good. The characters have no depth and act like they were written by an AI. The ending of the game contradicts its own half-baked themes. The deep combat system retards defend consists of finding the exact combination of jobs the game wants you to use to 5 Star Ci'eth Stone bosses and watching the unnecessarily long paradigm shift animation that plays the first time you shift every single battle. If you farm turtles for hours, literal hours, you can upgrade your weapons and equipment to their highest potential and save yourself 15 seconds of combat. The part where it "opens up" is an empty field in a single area, when you finally complete all the missions in that area, which are just completely normal fights with slightly tougher recolors of enemies you already fought, you're rewarded with a chocobo which you can only ride in that empty field you don't need to be in because you already completed the missions there. FUCK Final Fantasy XIII.

I like 13 too, user, but
>best art style
>fun side content
>great music
are not true. It's the same generic artstyle FF has used for the last decade, the side content is limited to a single activity (although the boss hunts are fun) and the music is just 20 renditions of the same song.

people are going to try and tell you the game gets better.
I played for over 20 hours and it doesn't.

>the combat is great once it stops being braindead.
I doubt it. FF13's combat is the main reason I dropped it. I can tolerate the stupidest jrpg storylines if the gameplay is at least enjoyable. But I simply wasn't having fun. And I couldn't tolerate playing this for one more second, let alone 30+ hours.

If you stay with it you'll get to experience one of the worst "open worlds" ever made.

>and the music is just 20 renditions of the same song.
this is just not true
dust to dust, eden under siege, battle theme, saber's edge, gran pulse, sunleth waterscape, snow's theme, fang's theme, serah's theme all sound very unique.

none of this is true except the missions problem.