Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Would you prefer they increased the speed of the swing?

You forgot about the 720° tracking.

>t. panic rolling faggot

Feels very unimaginative

I'd prefer they kept the speed somewhat predictable.
Not so much to be easy, but enough that it feels like you could have done it first try if you were just good enough. Instead of what we have now, where you have to spend the first few deaths just trying to figure out when you're supposed to dodge.

maybe if you observed the enemy and didn't just spam I-frames you would be able to dodge but NOOO its not my problem its the game's problem

My biggest gripe is that due to my poor reaction speeds, I'll dodge a second too late. That leads to getting hit and buffering a dodge instead. Then the buffered dodge caries out and I'm helpless as the enemy is already comboing me. I wish you could turn off input buffering.

How else are you going to up the ante when you're using decade old, simplistic mechanics that you refuse to improve in any meaningful way

>dark souls 3 you spammed rolling through everything
>people rightfully complain
>more enemies delay their attacks now
>nooo its too hard

We meant to nerf rolling, not to make the bosses more annoying.

I think we need to come to terms with the fact that 90% of the stuff people complained about in Dark Souls 2 became series standards that everyone pretends they never actually complained about now because they don't want to gainsay 3 or ER

>boss knows you will panic and roll too early
>you panic and roll too early
>roll catches you and you die
>you are upset because the boss outsmarted you

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I haven't played a souls game since DS1 and I am absolutely getting fucked in the late game of elden ring with my str build, like fully fucking pleb filtered. I know circle strafing R1 spamming asshole stabbing doesn't work anymore but it's all I know how to do

Attached: 1636935842699.jpg (756x756, 65.34K)

>every single attack in the game is designed around triggering your reflexes and punishing you for it
>this is somehow meant to be fun


None of the bosses are hard except Malenia. Fuck her.

None of the bosses are fun either

try actually looking at the attack

There were a couple that would be if you fought them earlier in the game so you weren't extremely overpowered