He's not learning different languages through vidya

>He's not learning different languages through vidya
What's your excuse, user?

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constantly antsy and scatterbrained to be anything but stunlocked, most days

why would i want to learn inferior languages?

Who are you to define what is and isn't inferior?

>Tired of english's bullshit
>finally give another language a serious attempt
>german, just cuz it sounds rough and guttural
>time to learn the word for Apple
>Fucking excuse me?
>Nouns all have a gender
Germans are more obsessed with gender than americans it seems.

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Apfelsine means orange you fucking retard

English is regarded as the international language of business.

Check and mate.

German is one of the most precise languages in the world whereas English heavily depends on the context.

Doesn't say other languages are inferior.

I'm too

From elementary school, I had to take Spanish courses and I despised every minute of it. I had to take 4 in college because I tested into level 2. I should've tested into 5 just to get it out of the way.

too what?

lol wut no it doesn't

dumb to learn another language
Not sure what the fuck happened there I could've sworn I typed it out

You may be schizophrenic, user.

As a polyglot I can tell you most translations to other languages are absolute garbage. English ones are the most competent; can you believe that?
If you're learning a language use native media or interaction with natives to do so. Never, EVER use translations for it unless you're already fluent in the language.

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>german, just cuz it sounds rough and guttural
Only if you focus on some specific words, or if you listen to German that intentionally heavily emphasizes the harsh sounds. Most German doesn't sound that much harsher than English.
Apple is just Apfel.

>Nouns all have a gender
Almost all PIE languages are gendered. English is an outlier here, not German. The genders are like 95% predictable based on word ending or category, the rest are random.

No I got checked for that I only have bipolar

I try, but don't really know what im doing, i've started with media i already like a lot and have seem frequently, but i worry about being inadequate or using tools/translations that are compromised in some way, affecting my learning.

>As a polyglot
Prove it.

Fine its been a few years since I've tried learning it so I've forgotten the exact wording
>The genders are like 95% predictable
How??? How do you outright determine the gender without just memorizing each noun's gender?

Yeah but you might as well learn English in addition to whatever else you speak.

Why are you switching AA to German just for language skills? What about deficiencies in the German localisaton?

is it really as simple as taking something like this, taking it apart piece by piece? is that actually helpful and effective compared to traditional study?

I already did.

>What about deficiencies in the German localisaton?
What about them? You're going to make mistakes learning languages and these mistakes can be ironed out.

Y si bien mi Español no es el mejor podría discutir en ésta lengua sagrada lo delectables que son las menores de edad; García Márquez sabía lo que estaba haciendo cuando escribió la historia de la cándida Eréndira.

Ought to mention, by the way, that anything outside text adventures and role-playing games is by rule terrible for your language retention. Stick to those, though I really would just recommend literature and conversation instead.

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like 90% of european languages call oranges chinese apples im pretty sure. it's just english that doesnt do that

I'm trying to learn Chinese and it's impossible to play shit until you know a gorillion characters.

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but these ones aren't your own mistakes, they're the spanish localisers. what do you learn from thinking that e.g. a gramatically incorrect spanish localisation is in correct spanish?

Learn the radicals. Bunch of decent chinkRPGs coming out lately so just playing those with a text hooker or a dictionary open will teach you decent chink in two years at worst.

Name one European language that calls oranges chinese apples.

I played Ace Attorney and Apollo Justice all in Spanish and whatever mistakes I did have, if at all, aren't there.