Does FROM have a playtesting department or what? what 'groidmonkey is greenlighting this stuff?

does FROM have a playtesting department or what? what 'groidmonkey is greenlighting this stuff?

Attached: ERbossdesignlol.jpg (1280x720, 213.22K)

There's a video of a lvl 1 wretch soloing them. You're just bad.

you're a subhuman fanboy. hype is gonna end at some point. this game has objectively dogshit boss design and more and more people are noticing by the day. imagine making DS3 look good.

someone's a salty shitter. Git gud journo tier pleb

post yourself lvl 1 wretch beating these guys you subhuman int/arcane/hoarfrost/mimic/lvl 130 etc cheese faggot.

>There's a video of a lvl 1 wretch soloing them
I always love when anons refer to other people's videos when calling others bad instead of their own.

Good then the bandwagoners like you can move on and the community will get back to normal

i'm mentally ill enough to have done it at level 7 solo and even I can tell that it's dogshit encounter design
I genuinely can't believe people will defend this garbage

You're bad at the game and that's okay

Thank fuck I got to these guys before the whorefrost nerf.

you're a subhuman shit eating nigger

who hurt you?

It's okay to be bad

Just use the summon, kiddo

just use mimic?

Shitters probably wake up in a cold sweat after crucible knight shows up in their dreams

it's not okay to eat shit and pretend it's good because you have a fanboy brain tumor. I'm more of a fan of FROM than you, because I know they can do better.

FromSoft doesn't understand why Ornstein and Smough worked

It's okay to be bad at the game

im lvl 55 I dont have mimic

>another filtered casual thread
Keep it coming

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>complains that an optional boss is too hard
Retards like you are the blight of the industry. They already nerfed two bosses because of snowflake shitters like you.

You're literally just a screeching monkey not putting your thoughts into meaningful words and just flinging obscenities saying "it's not fair, it's not fair!" without ever explaining why. There are legitimate criticisms to be made here and even more about other fights but instead you're just acting like a stupid child who lost and says that the game is cheating.
Either list some problems by name or fuck off and grow up, you're clearly just here to whine and call people names when they disagree with you like you're a 7 year old girl.

Youre having trouble with this..?
In a souls game that has as wide an array of tools as this game does?
Not using bloodhound step and casting projectiles?
Are you retarded?

>hey look at this video of a smelly speedtranny solo every boss at level, if she(he) can do it that means the game is obviously balanced, From can literally never do any wrong and if they asked me to hang myself from a bridge I'd gladly do it

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Elden Ring is a staggeringly low quality product compared to their previous titles. It's extremely appearent to anyone who has played more than 10 hours and gotten past Raya Lucaria. ER being inferior to previous titles is not controversial or a contrarian position to hold.

These guys are super easy to parry.
Use summons to distract other one.