Kills her dad in all possible realities

>kills her dad in all possible realities
>Few hours later
>I wish you were here with me i miss you dad


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Well, she is a daddy’s girl

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Tags: Father/Daughert incest

I for one am glad this moment exists, because it's so easy to just say the entire game isn't canon due to stupid shit like that.
The lamb will always be Eleanor; Levine's a hack.

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>kills her dad in infinite timelines
>there are still infinite other timelines where a different guy did the exact same thing
>there's probably infinite timelines where her dad did the same thing but the moment where he went mad wasn't the baptism but when he saw an odd looking tree, or another infinite variables
>thinks she solved anything


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Doesn't she kill the evil ones?

Elizabeth had canon daddy issues

She kills every version of him

she fucks dogs and horny kids

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God the series really went downhill

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I want Shadman to come back


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Infinite is just a tired retread of a better daddy/daughter simulator from the previous game with a shitty multiverse plot that does not work with it's own internal consistency. The luteces are fun, but that's it.

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What happened?

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He went to prison.

Is she drunk?

He went to jail, he's not in prison yet. And judging by how California handles its crazy faggots i'm sure he won't.

I find it creepy that they didn't know they were related when they met, for a long time. Booker 102% had erotic thoughts about her.

That happens irl... Right?

>tfw no sexy 1950s housewife

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