Elden Ring

Okay seriously, how the hell do you get good? I've played Dark Souls 1 for roughly 80 hours and beat it by basically just hitting my head against the wall until something worked, and as a result I'm struggling like crazy in Elden. 57 hrs into this game and I genuinely could not tell you a thing on how to ACTUALLY play it. I understand the concept of making a build but that doesn't mean jack shit when I can't recognize attack windups for the life of me, even after dying for the 100th time.Did I mention I'm stuck on Margott? I am.

I've tried bleed builds, sorcery, whatever you can think of, but it doesnt change the fact that if I get caught in an attack it's basically over for me because of the combination of me being unable to recognize these attack animations + having a slower reaction in general, and since everything has a windup I'm basically fucked. As such, if I get a good run on a boss it feels like nothing because it just felt like I got a bunch of lucky guesses in a row.

Attached: elden-ring-button-03-1623460560664.jpg (2080x2080, 580.4K)

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Game has scripts set to make it impossible to win. The game is trash just wait for something else to come out.

Bro just get good, it's a tough game

Shit game for nolife neckbeards

>having a slower reaction in general
Try taking a reaction time test or something. You might just have brain damage and cant register attacks until its too late.
I will say elden ring has some particular bullshit that you just have to learn the timing for, or you will get hit.

git gud shitter, not that hard of a game.

Just play unfair bro. Get the mimic summon, wait for it to get aggro then hit the boss.

>hits boss
>gets hit back within 0.1 secs
>lose 50% hp
>mimic stumbles around as the boss chases you across the room

Play Bloodborne, Nioh 2 and then try ER, it will far easier than you think afterwards

filtered. try using a fast weapon with bloody slash, that thing is op early game, unless of course they nerfed it in the last patch. either that or full int pebble spam, dodge and pray

That issue was 100x exacerbated for me when I tried Bloodborne on my brother's PS4.

A lot of people report input lag on rolls so you might not be as bad as you think. One of the potential reasons is that rolls start after releasing the button in elden ring. As a quick check try quickly flicking the button with your thumb rather than pressing it like usual and see if that makes anything easier.

Only put enough into STR/DEX to meet weapon requirements, pump VIG for health (scales well right up to 60 or something) and END for heavier armor without fatrolling. Use a greatshield and a thrusting weapon, like a spear, so you can attack without dropping your guard.
It'll help keep you alive at least.

the game was developed side by side with sekiro so the combat shares few nuances. enemies have invisible pseudo posture in ER which triggers staggers and visceral attacks. other thing is that you can jump over low attacks just like in sekiro except there is no indicator for this.

Elden Ring is a lot more fun if you embrace all the stuff it added instead of trying to play it like Dark Souls. I did my first playthrough as a quality build, no spirits, no summoning, tried to avoid anything too broken, it was doable but felt extremely undertuned, like they literally never playtested the game as just a guy with a sword.
Use the cool weapon skills, use spirits, summon people, spam jumping heavy attacks and shield counters and spells and bleed and frostbite and anything that seems interesting. If you get bored of one broken thing move to the next, there's no shortage of them.

I just beat Radahn like 5 hours ago without using any summons after him using me like a condom for a whole week, but enjoyed his boss fight that much that ever since I beat him I have just been helping other shittier players kill him over and over
why can't all the other major bossfights be that fun and perfect

Attached: 20220318173353_1.jpg (1920x1080, 192K)

Sounds like souls games just arnt for you. You gotta git gud unironically.

Radahn got heavily nerfed in the patch


Attached: thefirstgreatfilter.jpg (1920x1080, 212.27K)

no he didn't its not even mentioned in the patch notes

A lot of stuff isn't, mobile.twitter.com/king_bore_haha/status/1504519190199234563

i do lol