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In-game Economy to be a completely free human being

>save state has an arbitrary downside that runs counter intuitive to the concept to prevent it from being the obvious choice
shit list user kys.

Shit thread.
Inventory or In-Game Economy

save state and rig the stock market

Only 2 viable options are in-game economy and backpack, but i'll definitely go for in-game economy

vot thread

In-Game Economy > Save State > Inventory > Double Jump >>> Stamina Bar >>>> Health Bar

>any task you do for anyone else nets you cash
this would be incredibly, hilariously easy to abuse.

save state and play the stock/crypto market. its not random events like the lottery so it shouldnt get memed

In-Game Economy is the default answer for anyone who isn't a child and still suckling moms teet for a living

There's a highly improbable chance that the entire stock market goes to 0 overnight. If I reload, does that mean 100% chance that it will?
There's a highly improbable chance that someone will discover the cure to all cancer today. If I reload, does that mean 100% chance that someone will discover that cure?
Shit caveat

That is probably the worst possible way to nerf the save state from its previous iterations.

>Pick in-game economy
>Farm by helping around the neighborhood
>Live comfy nomadic life helping those in need

rape state
I mean rape state
sorry rape state
I mean save state (for rape)

Ingame Economy absolutely mogs the competition

maybe something clever with Inventory, if not, it seems useless.
stamina and double jump is useless.
health bar is neat although you probably wont use too often.
in-game economy is garbage simply because you can earn infinite money with save state.
save state gets you the ability to learn how the markets will react and get rich, how the girls you like react to your advances and try again, and keep getting frequent cancer screening test so when they find something you just load back.

its the only real pick

Ingame Economy
Save State, Inventory, Health Bar
Stamina Bar
Double Jump

Give me Save State. Freeloading is sweet, but avoiding the consequences of my actions is even sweeter.

Save state is obviously the best choice here.

>You die when you are killed.

Attached: peopledie.jpg (800x450, 37.62K)

Exactly, if I reload and there's no invasion of Ukraine then the price of oil won't rise, but that seems pretty major to me