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fuck the switch

The Switch just cant stop winning. Amazing

this explains those low res textures very well

Excuse me what? Guess I am getting this game after all. Suck it Sony. Would love to see how bad it looks unless it's a fucking cloud game.

yeah, releasing on snoystation tends to do that

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>streaming games

It's official. It's even on the game's website.

Runs natively on Switch Plus (Switch Pro) and cloud on vanilla Switch.
All cloud based games are getting native digital ports on Switch Plus day one, they've been bulking up the selection ahead of time for the Plus.

Heard it here first folks.

aaaaaaaaaaaand I'm no longer interested

Par for the course, game isn't PS exclusive and Snoys throw a hissy fit and shit on it. Look at Elden Ring, same situation.

I only want to play noble games
How is a game noble, if filthy peasantry can have their ways with it? Yuck!

>game isn't PS exclusive
Are you fucking retarded? It was NEVER shown to be a PS exclusive. Did you really think for the last 2 years that this was an exclusive game?

Any Forums thought it was exclusive because Sony paid for marketing rights for their show today.
Hearing that it's coming to Switch is the real surprise though.

>I only want to play noble games
Oh you dont play PS games then. What do you play on, an Xbox? High end PC?

Why the fuck are they watching the WB Logo reflection?

Oh that's why it looks like shit, it has to run on Switch. Oh well, that's a shame.

You thought it looked like shit? but it was running on PS5 hardware...get your eyes checked.

Yeah fuck it. If it's being released on the shitch then I'm not buying it. Fuck Ninteno

You're excited for a pozzed kids game and now it's coming to switch

>cloud version
Yeah I'm sure those kingdom hearts games are great lmao faggots

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