So this is the canon player-character armor, right?

So this is the canon player-character armor, right?

Attached: 49DD53CD-D9C8-41BC-9775-94715A9198BE.jpg (300x168, 11.19K)

I'd be okay with it. It looks awesome.

>canon player-character

No, this is.

Attached: radahn_set.png (456x981, 543.95K)

No, this is.

Attached: 1647474928676.jpg (740x724, 48.21K)

I thought Vyke's armor was the canon armor


Cover art is always canon.

Vyke is the guy on the box art so he's the "canon" armor. In the lore he was even the closest any tarnished got to becoming Elden Lord so he's the MC through and through.

Attached: 1617626193936.jpg (2560x1315, 313.72K)

so soul of cinder is the protag armor because he's on the cover?
following DS2 it would be carian knight and for a more DS1 oriented reasoning it would be raging wolf
or you just wear the starter set

>Fluted Knight set
>Elite Knight set
>Faraam Knight set
>Firelink set
>Fingerprint set
Which is the best?



he failed and got thrown in gaol though.

Fluted (haven't played Demon's Souls though)

For me the order is:
The firelink armor set is too lanky for my taste.

I'm making a Vyke build right now. Still searching for the frenxy spells but I got his spear. Gonna go grab his set later but I feel like Vyke would have a second weapon to have alongside his spear.

unfortunately the frenzy grab is all the way down in the fucking pit before the 3 fingers.

Then why does he have a straightsword and not his Chad spear?

>Get summoned
>Guy is wearing that armor, has the Sword of Night and Flame, and the brass shield

>Knife the fuck out of there

Yeah but he's the one on the box art so that's about as close as you can get to being the canon set. Technically the Fluted set from Demons Souls is the only truly canon PC armor because knights start with it, every other poster armor set belonged to some NPC/boss and not the player.

>Fluted Knight
Comfy, really polished
>Elite Knight set
Comfy and regal
>Faraam Knight set
Comfy and warm
>Firelink set
Not comfy, it's burnt
>Fingerprint set
Not comfy, it's singed

Fluted holds a special place in my heart. DeS intro was amazing.

I just realized the dead guy on the left is the edgelord skeleman from the round table and the guy on the right is Jerrin the guy that hosts the Radahn festival. wtf

>promo art armor
>was one of the defaults sets in the beta
>final release hides it behind several shitty invasion quests and just dumps the entire set on you without even giving the associated NPC a line of dialogue
what the fuck happened?

yo bruh, how many elite sets you want

Attached: 20220308082328_1.jpg (549x352, 39.8K)

Elite > Fluted > Faraam > the rest

Attached: manuel-castanon-the-hopeful-knight-final.jpg (1920x3291, 764.24K)

this was and is so fucking shitty and lazy. I'm hoping modders start replacing some of these at least, could do with turning them into the old knight sets like elite knight or faraam. the game is fucking starved for decent armor options as it is