PC port is finally out and its already the best way to play the game

PC port is finally out and its already the best way to play the game.

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Still holding off till I have 60fps and all that QoL shit that Mario 64 got.

censored versions only right? also if I can't play cutscenes in 4:3 it's garbage

Maybe when they port over 3DS assets and QoL improvements

post it, I wanna replicate the experience of when I downloaded Mario.exe

>look up gameplay
>looks fucking identical apart from a higher framerate and slightly better graphics

Thats the point. No PC emulator has been able to run it that well until now

>3DS assets

Attached: QaIsORVBFysO-ziulFE8URglAv7S_daJMlYvVxgMsAU.jpg (639x639, 104.3K)

>3DS assets

The 3DS version is superior in just about every way

totally bro! they should do that for some reason..

This. The mod just needs to add back the blood in the well and darken the Ganon fight and it would be perfect.

>reeeee i love nintendo but hate color so god damn much for some reason
>i can't tolerate a single ounce of change

I'll just wait for the dark souls combat mod

I'll just wait for the dark souls graphics mod

Who are you quoting?

>more realistic eyes and nose
>more human-like expression
>better hair detail
>more details in pretty much everything especially clothes
can boomers explain why they prefer 64 still?

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what if ocarina of time but with the elden ring stamina combat system
Elden Ring. bunker thread


The complaint is invarably that the 3DS version is too colorful and it ruins muh grimdark edgy dark moody dark atmosphere that nintendo games are so known for


the original has soul, it's as simple as that, it's what the original development team wanted it to look like and were happy to ship with
I appreciate how much they were able to accomplish with such limited tech

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Autism, I've always wanted to see what the 3DS version would look like without the stupid Gameboy Advance level lightning

>has soul
ah, there it is