Now why can't this solution work?

now why can't this solution work?

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The portal is what has the momentum, not the cube. The cube itself isn't actually moving.

the cube is moving in relation to the portal

No, the portal is moving relative to the cube perchance.

If you shoot a door frame at a person really fast and suddenly stop it right when they go through it's not going to magically shift the momentum to the person, they are going to stay right where they are.

Why should that matter? The portal can't just add force to the cube.

Because it's morally incorrect to pull the lever and endanger other lives.

it wouldn't work because portals aren't real

the portal and the cube are moving towards one another. a portal's frame of reference is important when things are going in and out of it
what's suddenly stopping? the exit portal wasn't moving to begin with. after the cube is through, the entrance portal moving or not makes no difference
it can't stop the cube from moving either. and in relation to the portal, the cube is moving

if portals are reference frame invariant, then doesn't moving a portal require exactly as much energy as moving the entire universe on the other side of the portal?
Consider putting a portal on a piece of light plastic, and slamming it down on an extremely heavy lead cube. The cube would fly across the room with very little energy actually expended, which shouldn't be possible.

portals break the laws of thermodynamics pretty easily

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>and in relation to the portal, the cube is moving
Okay, now read what i said again and try to actually refute it this time.

It is starting to look like dick and vagina...

This eternal conversation is retarded because you're trying to have a physics argument about something not rigorously defined.

Establishing a portal at all should require an exorbitant amount of energy regardless. The energy necessary to adjust that spacetime deformation is likely nowhere near establishing it. With the concept of conservation of energy you're trying to use you might as well bitch about alcubierre drives allowing you to move faster than light. Black holes deform spacetime so much that light can't escape. When you start changing spacetime everything gets fucky and trying to apply classical mechanics is going full retard.

Physics literally cannot allow it. For example what you're arguing for is the portal having inertia in and of itself and the object that it encapsulates has momentum after it passes through the portal.
This does not work. The object is at a neutral and stable area. It literally cannot have inertia just because a portal comes down on it.
For example if you are traveling inside of a vehicle going 80 miles an hour, everything IN that vehicle has the same inertia. You throw a ball up into the air inside of the car it doesn't just...SHOOT out the back window because it's in its own space.
Thing is, however, if you throw a ball at just the right time through the window of a car that's passing by at 80 miles an hour, that ball is going to continue on its trajectory course even though it enters into the vehicle's own inertia unless it is affected by something. This is the reason why if a bullet is fired into a moving vehicle it tends to create two bullet holes perpendicular to the vehicle instead of hitting the windshield, say, on the driver's side and then just immediately exiting in the back window.
It's not difficult to understand. The portal itself has it's own inertia, but the exit on the other side does not, ergo the cube is just gonna flop out on the other side as gravity is going to pull it in that direction.

This would imply that they don't passively use power to bend space-time.

You must first understand frames of reference to get past your assumption of "add force to the cube."

That's assuming that both sides of the door are moving at the same rate, because that's how real doors work but not portals.

Its more like if a camper van was backing up and you jumped straight up to pass through its open back door. You sure as hell would not be moving the same rate as the van so you would be tumbling through it even though you were standing still relative to the outside. The entire room inside is moving towards you. Portals just make it possible for the room you are in to be the room moving towards you, or for to to move towards that room.

>Cube isn't moving on left side
>Cube is on a moving platform on the right

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It's a time waster. There is no answer, because the question only exists to draw your attention to it ofr a few minutes.

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If you accept the fixed portals in the games then you can't use this argument against moving portals. See pic related.

Same thing, see .

Attached: portals.png (624x583, 12.03K)

The relative velocity between the first portal and the cube or the second portal and the cube needs to be the same, so, since the second portal isn't moving, the cube would need to come out with the first portal's speed

Momentum is a property of mass in motion. A moving portal is not a mass in motion. Nor it is a doorway. It is a tunnel of zero length connecting two points in space.

This isn't to say that either of A or B are the correct answer. It's to say that you're all absolute fuckwits who don't even understand the damn problem.

Mom and sister escape through the kitchen backdoor
Dad jumps from the side window in time with the door kicker
I jump out the front window while the cop car is distracted with the door, blindsiding them, stealing a shotgun and holding the other hostage
The dog is fucked, sorry bud

You make it look in the second half as if the pillar is moving upwards when in reality the portal is the one moving down.
Also by stopping just as the pillar reaches the portal you make it appear as if the pillar 'hits' the portal, imparting momentum.
Visual trickery and nothing more.

The portal should be able to pass around the pillar as well and both should emerge from the blue portal.
Only one of two things then happen. If gravity is extended through the portal, the cube will remain at rest on the pillar.
If gravity does not extend through the portal, the cube will slowly slide off the portal in the direction of gravity on the other side of the blue portal.
The cube itself has no momentum and portals cannot impart (or remove) momentum onto objects and therefore exits the portal with no momentum.

Portals are holes. You cannot touch holes.

You don't know what inertia is.