Wow, this is the first time I can remember where I genuinely don't care to learn a boss's mechanics and overcome it...

Wow, this is the first time I can remember where I genuinely don't care to learn a boss's mechanics and overcome it. This boss is so poorly designed that it doesn't deserve to be learned.

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It was pure suffering melee only

It's poorly designed because lol im bad

So happy me and my mimic obliterated these fucks before the patch
I will never forget you my oldest friend

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What a fucking mongoloid.

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I literally beat them first try.

Get fatty trapped behind a pillar, then kill Apostle 4 times, never let fatty go below 50% hp
There you go, now even you can beat them.

You didn't really beat the game.

speed running shitters beat these two at like lvl 1. git gud.

post build

I first tried these fags with a bloodhound blade and no magic besides flame, grant me strength.

You should have known their moveset already, fromsoft copypasted them like 5 times before this encounter. It was easy as fuck, just kill the skinny guy first, if fat guy rolls, just use the pillars to block him and get him stuck. Then just farm them on and off until the shared health is gone.

I am not saying it's a good fight, because it's not (besides the music), but it's not hard at all.

Watched ela get his balls crushed by these guys repeatedly earlier today, very cool encounter design

>average plastic chink korean family

I appreciate your trademark smugness, but no. I refuse to git gud. I got gud with Midir, Orphan, Friede, Gaek and others because they were beautifully-designed bosses that I chose to overcome.

With these guys I will cheese them in any way I can. Then I will show up in your Elden Ring threads, act as though I beat every boss legit, and you'll have no way of knowing that I'm lying. Every Elden Ring thread you enter, which you believe to be your personal safe space, will be forever tainted by my presence.

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You fucking wish. All speedrunners struggle on these faggots and maliketh because both of those are dog shit fights.

Placidusax literally has an attack that's just the bullshit Midir laser, but two of them at the same time
this company is so creatively bankrupt it's unbelievable

My excuse for cheesing is to free up time to practice shred guitar so I am still gitting gud, but at a creative endeavour and not some obtuse Japanese designed gauntlet

It's clear which parts of this game the DS2 devs touched and which parts were Miyazaki.

nothing but fists

But user gained something you'll never have: a true friend :'(

Yep this is what I did too. As soon as I noticed they revive and that killing the same one reduces the HP just the same I never touched fatty the whole fight.

I touched a vagina, you didn't.
I won the game.