What's the lore of Fingerprint Vyke? He must've been a real fucking badass to make it to the mountaintops

What's the lore of Fingerprint Vyke? He must've been a real fucking badass to make it to the mountaintops

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He was basically the previous ultimate chad tarnished on his way to become lord before the player came along
But then he got frenzy

He fell for Shabriri's chaos posting

Talking of the mountain tops. What the hell is up with all the ghost trees and animals?

>Vyke went frenzied flame to save his maiden from the burning
>Bernahl had his maiden toss herself into the flames
hold up, I thought burning the erdtree was a Melina thing, how come other Tarnished' maidens are burning themselves? what's the deal here

Where are you getting from that those 2 managed to get that far? I kinda assumed we where the first.

>Go for Frenzy Flame
>Forget to take your armour off like a idiot
>Burn alive
Vyke is a fucking loser.

I wish he was a proper boss fight with a little intro and all that. Kind of like Abyss Watchers

Could Vyke be Torrent's previous owner? Could the flame of frenzy have something to do with Melina's three pronged eye marking?

Bernahl's armor description I think

Seems likely as his armour alludes to him wanting to protect his maiden. Ending implies you become Jeb though

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That seems plausible. Melina might be the Gloam-Eyed Queen or at least be related to her.

Super chad who turned schizo out of nowhere disappointing everyone

Ah so it does. I wonder how that would even work. I didn't think the erdtree had burned before.

He didn't do the Hyetta quest, so no one told him.

>need a great tune to get audience with two fingers
>literally nobody in the roundtable hold has a great Rune
>gideon treats you like an outsider because you don’t have a great rune

Bro WHAT nobody has a great rune except the Demi gods. After the godrick you are on par with Demi gods and everyone just treats you like another tarnished, so easily forgotten

journeyed to get zanzibart's forgiveness

The game is retarded and wants you to ignore anyting relating to every single other tarnished with the sole exception of godfrey and goldmask, don't think hard

ya, the lore and shit doesnt make sense. only fromfags will defend it. They randomly capitalize words and that is the entire explanation. The True One Flame of Destruction caused the Shundering of the Blursed Tree in the Night of the Long Farts and that caused the Chaos Emboldened to become the Great Etherling. Tarnished Undead, bring back the Flame of Creation to become the Great Rune Lord or forever be nothing.

It's just set dressing, like 85% of the game.

what i thought is he had too big of a heart and lit himself on fire so his maiden wouldn't have to. then he lost his mind due to frenzy.
don't know if he got tricked by shabriri, turned schizo on his own volition or thought it'd work out somehow though.

a stuck cycle of rebirth i think. the deer boss in the underground was meant to be a big symbol of the cycle of life and death, and the erdtree broke, so shit is stagnating and grace don't work.
also if you squint and imagine the trees away the place looks like an absolute wasteland.

I'm going to guess
>Shabriri convinces Vyke to take the flame to save Melina
>but Vyke Vyke accidentally incinerates her body with the frenzy flame as you do for Hyetta, hence her comment about her burned body

Presumably something similar to the spectral standards in Altus. I think they're a reminder that before Marika suppressed the giant's flame, life flourished in the mountains.