IQ Test

Let's play a game.
You have one piece of cheese and one knife. The cheese can't be changed at all except via the knife. All the knife can do is cut in a straight line.
Picrel is one example of one piece of cheese.

How many cuts must you make to convert one piece of cheese into 8?

Before jannies throw a fit do note that this is a video game. You're using a digital input device to work through a presented problem.

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I take as much cheese as I want and then quickload if I get caught.

4, unless this is some dumb retarded catch like "you can actually do it with one cut"

If that's one piece then you can't get 8 pieces from that because of conservation of material. Check. Mate.

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3 cuts

no I refuse to elaborate

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Disregard the objective and see how many cuts I can make before the game crashes.

3 is the minimum, unless you pull some bullshit like "A massive knife that can wrap around the world multiple times can do it in one, if angled correctly."

Let this be a hint to future posters. Nobody is right so far.

3 cuts can give you at most 7 pieces of cheese.
The n-th cut adds at most n pieces of cheese, because it cuts through all existing pieces of cheese. So that's 1 + 2 + 3 additional pieces, for a total of 7 including the original piece. Which is why you need 4.

just move the cheese instead

Or I guess if the cheese is shaped in a nonstandard way

your riddle is gay because it relies on info that we aren't given

It's 6, dumbass

>Let's play a game.
>You have one piece of cheese
Thanks, Op. I love cheese.

a knife can only double the available pieces

3 cuts

try the one where you find and prove the fewest number of cuts to separate a 3x3x3 cube into individual cubes

You're supposed to figure it out by yourself
That's what it means to be intelligent

Two vertical cuts and one horizontal

No cuts is one piece. Cut it in half along the x axis, two pieces. Cut that in half along the Y axis, four pieces. Cut that in half along the z axis, eight pieces.


No. I cut once to get two halves. I cut the two halves to get four quarters. I line the four quarters up and cut through all of them at once to get eighths. Have you never been in a kitchen before?
>one example of one piece of cheese
So is it a semantics thing? If the cheese is properly shaped or I can move the cheese around the knife, I can do it in one cut instead.

You win the fabulous cash prize of $0
btw all you anons who guessed anything other than 1 or 3 are genuinely stupid.

the third cut only produces 6 pieces though.

a riddle is only good if you have all the information you need to solve it. if you pull a bullshit explanation based on something we didn't know like "technically it's 0 because the cheese was already cut" then it's not a sign of intelligence but a sign of how annoying you can be

never mind, my proof only works for 2D with lines as cuts. Because you can only intersect all existing cuts once, so you can't bisect every existing piece at each step. But that doesn't apply to planar cuts.

Now that a winner has been decided I will explain. Think of an accordion.


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Assuming you can rearrange and move the pieces after cutting, the answer is 3.

not if you put the pieces on top of each other which i forgot you could do and i said 4 at first

If the cheese can't be separated or divided in any way besides with the knife, then it's theoretically possible to fold the cheese over onto itself enough times to be able to cut straight through into eight pieces.
Yes, OP, I've read Umineko.

given your image, it was appropriate to assume the cheese was a convex shape.

I'm assuming you can rearrange the pieces for each cut
but you can still just cut once in the middle on each axis (xyz) to get 8 pieces

Secret ending winrar, you win the paypal cash prize of sending me $1.

Stupid riddle based on misinformation and baiting people.

3 cuts
2 from the top splitting vertically in 4 quarters and 1 in the middle horizzontally of the 4 pieces