Stressful Elden Ring Tread

Just lost all the runes I got from the giant cause of the fucked up geometry of this thing, hbu?
>Stressful Elden Ring Tread

Attached: Elden_Ring_Forge_Giants.jpg (1200x675, 269.19K)

I did actually die at the end of the chain lol. Took it more carefully next time for sure.

I'm pretty sure at that point in the game you shouldn't have to worry about runes.

You win some, you lose some I guess. Fight was pretty fun though, solo'd on horseback. I think it was the best horseback boss so far.

Runes are cheap as trash, you can get +100k in literally 3 minutes just from equipping the golden beetle and popping a golden chicken foot and running forwards from the prayer room grace in Elphael and killing all the normal trash soldiers on the way

Never feel bad about lost souls or runes or whatever in these games. You will always get more.

I agree that runes don't mean anything, but having a free level up lost is slightly stressful. It's just funny is all.

So how do Keith's/Nepheli's quest advance? Already found Diallos in Jarburg

I can't even play this game since it runs at like 10fps on my machine

Attached: 1516149264215.jpg (600x778, 94.11K)

>you can summon Alexander for this fight
>but doing so disables the horse
What were they thinking?

You need Nepheli, Gostoc, and Haight all alive. After giving Nepheli the stormhawk king ashes, they'll all eventually move to the throne room past Godrick's boss area.

I used my mimic for rykard because there's just so much nonsense going on in his bossfight idk what the fuck is going on. Currently trying to beat Malenia and I'm on the brink of using my mimic on her too. I wish they tested this game before shipping it. Such a shame.

Who cares? Once you get to this point you end up with hundreds of thousands of runes all the time

I’m at this point in the game and have no idea where to go next. I finished the castle boss and that didn’t lead anywhere. Anons I need help

Thankfully I do have them alive so I guess I'll just keep playing normally. Done with Fia's and Ranni's quests so time to go to those Mountaintops

Which castle?

you must either have parkinsons or just terrible hand eye coordination. you literally just walk straight across it

The one in the north of the snow area, the one with o’neill boss fight

Do you have the other half of the secret medallion? If so go back to the lift of told and use it.

so you have 1 half of the haligtree medallion? if you have only 1 part of it go talk to people in the roundtable and you might find out more

I haven't patched the game because I want to do a playthhrough with the overpowered sword

I've been running around NG+ with millions of runes and nothing to spend them on. I lost a 4m bloodstain because I forgot you drop one after invasions. Like 3 bosses later and I have a 2.5m bloodstain again. I love seeing people whine about losing 20k runes though.